Moonbeams and Dreams

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     Lunar rays from the full moon gleamed brightly down upon the narrow stone walkway leading up to the small antiquated off campus rental home that I shared with my two good friends and roommates. Tiny unseen crickets happily chirped in the grass and the lofty trees rustled in the warm autumn breeze as I slowly approached the quaint blue house. It was a bit secluded with plenty of deep woods to the eastern side of the yard, and had a small garden that was overdo to harvest. 

The pale hydrangeas that lined the front porch seemed to glow in the luminous light as I walked up the creaky wooden steps. I stopped before going inside to admire the beauty of the celestial night sky. The sight of the bright full moon captivated me as I watched how it illuminated the silvery looking tree tops that swayed gently in the breeze. My gaze then drifted down below the dancing leaves to the dark shadows that hid beneath them.

I couldn't help but suddenly feel a peculiar sense of dread, as if something sinister was lingering out there hidden within the darkness... watching me with nefarious eyes. The warm breeze suddenly turned chilling as it caressed my face, sending an unsettling shiver up my spine. Not wanting to stay outside any longer, I quickly turned around and went inside the house.

The strange spooky feeling I had felt out on the porch quickly vanished do to the drastic change in scenery. The interior of the house was old, but well maintained, and the furnishings were modern. Floor lamps lit up the chic living room and somewhat loud rap music played in the background. Both of my roommates were busily getting ready for a night of fun.

"Gwendolyn!" William excitedly exclaimed. "It's a special disco themed night at Hell's Hornbeam tonight and I'm sure that it's going to be super fun! You should totally come.. and who knows, maybe you'll meet someone sexy to get your 'Disco Inferno' on with!" He gave me a nodge while practically bouncing up and down with excitement and laughed. 

He certainly looked ready for a 'Disco night' at the club. His wavy blond hair was up in a perfect messy bun with just a few strands dangling around his face. His tall slim frame was adorned with a shimmery light blue button up top that matched his eyes, paired with tight black pants, silvery boots, and enough glittery eye shadow to effectively signal for help if ever stranded on a deserted island.

"Oh I don't know, I've been studying all afternoon and feel like my brain has turned into a bunch of fried eggs that got put through a blender. Plus, I'm tired and would rather just go to bed tonight." I laughed a little and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.  

"Maybe some other time though?" I suggested, even though I secretly didn't want to go anytime, ever. He was always trying to get me to go clubbing with him, but I really really hated clubs.

"Girl, don't be such an antisocial sasquach! It would be good for you to go! You've been studying way to hard lately and the year has just begun." Lacey chimed in, popping her head out of the bathroom doorway to look at me. 

She was in the middle of applying her makeup, even though she didn't need it. She was drop dead gorgeous with or without the stuff. The beautiful lilac purple dress she had on looked amazing against her deep mahogany skin tone, and her thick luscious black curls were clipped up elegantly in a half ponytail.

"Really you guys, I've had a very long day. All I want to do is eat a snack and go to sleep. I'm sorry but I'm going to be a boring antisocial sasquach tonight." I said while yawning and picking up Sr. Pepper Paws, my sweet little black and grey stripped tabby cat. They must have seen the exhaustion written on my face because they didn't try to push me to go any further.

"Okay, well get some good rest then. And don't you dare forget about Amelia's party tomorrow! There's no way I'm letting you get out of that, tired or not!" Lacey warmly said with a slight laugh.

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