Author's Note & Sequel

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Well everyone, it's over...

Firstly, I'd like to thank my two elderly cats for sleeping on my lap 90% of the time while I wrote this whole ridiculous thing out. They helped keep my hyperactive butt glued to the seat so I could actually finish up all the chapters. 

I'd also like to thank coronavirus. Without it I would have never taken the time to start writing. Thus, this book wouldn't exist, and I would have never discovered just how much fun it is to write!

But mostly, I'd like to thank everyone who's supported me by reading, commenting, and voting! Now, I know that there's probably some curmudgeon out there thinking "Yeah, yeah, of course the damn author is thanking the readers in some stupid cheesy way." But seriously, thank you so so so fucking much!!! I am so genuinely grateful for every read, comment, and vote! It has truly given me a sense of accomplishment, especially as someone with no writing experience. It's also encouraged me to continue writing and to learn to be a better author. 🖤

I'm literally eating cheesecake for breakfast as I type this out, in celebration of completing my first book. Seriously, I can't believe that I actually wrote this whole whacky thing! I know that one measly book may not seem all that impressive compared to real authors who can easily whip them up like a batch of chocolate chip cookies, but I'm still proud of myself, dammit! lol.

I'd also like to shout out a few super amazing authors who have been incredibly supportive of me. They're all wonderful authors who have fantastic books to go check out, and I highly recommend doing so. :)

@tallulahohara is a down right incredible writer! All her books are super well written, filled with humor, and unique well thought-out storylines. Her "Fate" series is one of the most unique and creative werewolf stories I've read yet. If you like steamy vampire/werewolf hotty hotness, definitely go take a peek! And if you like chic-lit and sexy rockstars, go check out "Fated or Bust!" Her sense of humor has had me hunched over in a fit of hysterical laughter. 🖤

@hunnie_boo is an super talented author with a natural knack for murder and mystery! Her book "Untouchable- Battling the Enemy" is an enrapturing tale about a girl who escapes a massacre and is now on the run from her troubling past. It's filled with twists and turns and a good amount of comedy and wit! This one has had me on the edge of my seat one moment, then laughing my butt off the next! 🖤

@JuliaHarryman has some serious pen skills that blow my mind! She touches on issues such as mental health and suicide in such a beautiful way, yet still manages to add a great sense of humor to such dark themes. Her stories are super LGBTQ+ friendly and have incredibly addictive plotlines. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that she was writing books about anti-gravity, because they're truly difficult to put down! 🖤

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So, I'm genuinely curious about what everyone's final thoughts are? Did anyone have a favorite or least favorite part? Were you happy with the ending? Favorite characters? What did you think of the Villain? 

Did any characters have to grow on you before you liked them? *Cough cough, Azathoth*

This was my first attempt at writing, so feedback is highly appreciated and super helpful for future works. 🖤

And speaking of future works, may I present... 

Illuminating the Dark Prince!

Illuminating the Dark Prince!

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