Surprise Meeting

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The afternoon sun hung high in the light azure blue sky as the feathery white clouds effortlessly wisped by. Their shadows barely dimmed the rays of light that shone down through the pointed scarlet leaves of the old maple tree over head. There was a warm autumn breeze in the air that gently caressed my face and danced with my long locks of hair.

I was sitting by the campus duck pond on an old somewhat rotting wooden bench. The water sparkled in the distance as it reflected the bright sunshine. Lacey and Amelia were sitting there with me, munching on snacks and catching up with all the latest drama. It was our usual Monday afternoon ritual. 

I was never really too interested in in all the gossip that we'd talk about. It was hardly ever about ourselves, and I honestly couldn't care less about who's dating who, who's talking smack, ect. However, these conversations made me feel apart of something, like I wasn't just some awkward quirky nerd, like I was worthy of being in the loop.  

Their voices began to fade as I zoned out a bit and looked off into the distance. I could see the happy little ducks swimming around, leaving small ripples in the water behind them. My mind drifted further and I couldn't help but think about Ashton. Remembering his perfect body over mine. His sweet kisses and caresses. How his soft hair felt tangled between my fingers. His massive cock pulverizing my vagina... I smiled and blushed a little at the thought.

"Umm...Gwendolyn?" Lacey was suddenly furrowing her brows and waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Um, sorry... I must have spaced out. What were we talking about again?" I asked, now realizing that I had been in sexual Lala Land.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face that you were thinking about that guy you met at the party, weren't you?" She remarked with an all too knowing smirk.

"Wait you met a guy? Was this at my party last week?" Amelia asked, now seeming very intrigued.

"Oh yeah she did! William told me that they were out all day together on Saturday too." Lacey teased. 

"Well, I didn't actually meet him at the party, we had met before in the library and then at the cafe, but it's not like we're really together or anything." I said defensively. I could feel the heat rising in my now bright red cheeks. 

"Wait, you had already hung out together at the library and then you had a breakfast date with him? Bullshit you're not together! Besides, William saw you guys at the party going at it on the front lawn. Then you spent the night at his place, and came home the next day wearing nothing but his tee shirt and boxers!" Lacey grinned while giving me a slight friendly tap on the upper arm.   

"You had sex on my lawn!?" Amelia blurted out in surprise.

"No, nono! It wasn't what you think!" My embarrassment was shooting through the roof.  

"So you're saying that you didn't have sex with him?" Lacey cocked a suspicious brow at me. 

"We, um no... I mean yeah I did, but it's not what you guys think.. Ugh, I really don't know." I hid my tomato red face in my hands. 

They both loudly burst out into laughter. 

I wanted to tell them the whole deranged story, I really did. However, I couldn't exactly explain about the whole murder and kidnapping thing. So I begrudgingly held my tongue and let them believe whatever fable they wanted. 

"Who is this guy anyways?" Amelia asked through her cackles.

"He's just some weirdo named Ashton." I answered, bringing my still very red face from my hands, yet slightly snickering myself. 

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