Ashes to Ashes

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(Thirty minutes earlier)

Thick clouds of suffocating smoke ardently puffed and swirled up into the nighttide sky, as if they were forlorn spirits dolorously drifting upon the freezing winds. Flames flickered and consumed the rotting chard flesh of the dead, leaving the blackened corpses completely unrecognizable. My hands were gently cupping Gwendolyn's rosy cheeks, while I tenderly touched her soft warm lips with mine in a quick but loving kiss. 

I pulled back and momentarily looked into her beautiful emerald green eyes. Her gaze was both apprehensive and vacillating. With out saying a word, I began to flap my wings, and swiftly flew off towards the lloigor. 

As I soared over the area, I quickly scanned the surroundings. Lacey and William were standing hand in hand among the wreckage, staring in utter disbelief at the lloigor. All but a few of the corrupted had been incinerated. And Adelstein was surreptitiously retreating through the back entrance of the church like the pusillanimous miscreant that he is. I gritted my teeth in anger.

Of course he'd be too craven to fight me himself! Why would I expect anything more from that spineless knave!?

Although, I had to hand it to him. Summoning a lloigor was a clever move. They were malicious cosmic souls which had traveled to the abyss long ago, where they grotesquely manifested their bodies out of pure dark abyssal essence. Their only desires were to enslave and bring death to all life. They usually dwelled within the abyssal shadow realm unless they were summoned out. The problem was, this thing actually had the potential to kill me, even with my powers unbound, and it could also traverse the shadows.

I'd never fought one before, but I still knew that Hellfire was the only way to kill it. I just needed to lure it far enough away from Gwendolyn and the others to safely do so without incinerating them and destroying the entire town. I briefly contemplated teleporting them out of here first, but that would be a foolish move. The lloigor would sense the shadowed activity and follow, putting them in unnecessary danger.

Freezing air hissed beneath my wings as I glided past it's hideous lizardy face. It unleashed a loud otherworldly screech, then snapped it's colossal jaws at me, flashing fearsome rows of black razor sharp teeth. It's putrescent breath fanned my face as I rapidly flew by, nearly suffocating me to death and knocking me right out of the air with the egregious stench alone. I gagged while swooping past a few dormant swishing oaks. Then I flipped onto my back and flipped it off with both hands, further antagonizing the deplorable creature to chase after me.

"That's right, come and get me, you foul breathed fat-tailed gecko!"

It's black iguana-like head predatorially followed my movement. It growled like a crocodile while the long sharp spines on it's back angrily bristled up. The ground shook as it took a powerful step forwards and began chasing me. It's long spiked tail whipped out behind it, cracking like a whip.

The oak trees snapped with branches and splintered wood billowing out all around as the formidable creature charged forwards. I landed on top of the lofty center tower of Aspen Hall, perched like a gargoyle upon the very edge of the large grey bricks that made up the cathedralic building. The wind whipped through my long hair and my eyes incandescently glowed, while I stoically watched my reptilian foe berserkly approach like a rabid dingo. I didn't want to get too far ahead of it, after all.

A few measly pebbles plummeted down to the ground as I shifted on my feet. The lloigor screeched and came violently barreling into the side of the building. Two of it's four arms scrapped across the walls, shattering the large paned windows and loudly cracking the stone. It began to rapidly claw it's way up the side of the tower, while snarling and furiously snapping it's disgusting saliva coated maw. I simply took off flying again, continuing to try to lead it further away.

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