Hell's Hornbeam

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A loud clap of thunder boomed over head, drowning out the sound of my frantic heart beat and chattering teeth. Cold rain drizzled down around us, as Ashton and I stood under our umbrella among the line of murmuring costumed bodies, all waiting to be granted access to the club. My hands tightly clung onto Ashton's jacket, as I took long deep breaths in a lame attempt to calm my anxiety. He held me close, and gently caressed my upper arm to comfort me.  

"Maybe if we act like a couple of nutcases they won't let us in. Then William can't complain that we didn't go." I joked while shivering against him.

He looked down into my anxious eyes, and his smile turned into a concerned frown. "You're really not comfortable here, are you?" 

"I just don't like crowded places like this. They freak me out, that's all." I gave him a fake smile and rested my head against his chest, while trembling more from my anxiety than the cold.    

He squeezed me a little tighter against himself. I closed my eyes as I listened to the soft rain and chatting people around us, while taking in deep breaths of Ashton's comforting scent. He sighed as his hand moved under my chin, and lifted my face up so that our gazes met.

"I don't like seeing you this uncomfortable. So.. I'll put your little plan into action. Just don't be frightened, okay?" He lovingly caressed my cheek, and placed a tender kiss on top of my head...

"Wait... what are you going to- What the!?"  He quickly closed the umbrella, then abruptly spun me around and locked my back against his body using his arm. 

"Back away all you worthless blunderbusses! Or prepare for merciless annihilation!"  He loudly growled out in a deep sinister voice that startled several people, as he began berserkly waving the pointy umbrella around at by standers with his free hand.

Holy fuck, what have I done!? 

"Wait! Ashton! I was just kidding!" I tried to yell and get his attention in order to stop him, as he started going completely feral madman on the place. 

Our feet splashed in the shallow puddles as he frantically pulled me to the front of the line. People screamed and tried to get out of the way, as the yelling, snarling, deranged giant lunatic of a man violently waved an umbrella at them. My eyes were wide and I had a shocked 'I can't believe this is happening' look on my face, as I pathetically clutched onto his arm with both of my hands.

His hair fell wildly around his face and his eyes had a down right infernal gleam in them, making him appear as some crazed diabolical maniac. He threateningly gazed into the tough looking bouncer's petrified eyes, with a fiendish look that promised an excruciating death. "Now, You! Mr. death's head on a mop stick, can we get into the club!?"  I froze up and my face paled when I heard his deep vicious demoniacal tone. It was the most terrifying sounding voice that I'd ever heard come from a human being, and the fake horns he was wearing didn't help. 

All the blood drained from the terrified bouncers face, as he looked up at Ashton with the fear of the devil in his widened eyes. "Y-yes... O-of coarse..." He shook like a leaf as he opened the rope to let us in. "Enjoy your night, S-Sr."

Ashton's diabolical act faltered, and he frowned in confusion. "Oh.. Huh? I really thought that was going to work..." He held his chin and looked down to think for a minute. "Well, we could always lie and say that we didn't get in?" He casually suggested. 

"No, nono. It's fine. Let's just go in!" I didn't want to spend another second out there with all those confused people staring at us.   

"Alright, as you wish." He gave my hand a gentle kiss. "Don't worry though, I'll be with you." He softly smiled, then led me inside, as the people behind us murmured about his crazy theatrics. 

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