The Falls

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The tires came to a slow and steady stop, as Ashton pulled the car over onto the side of the dark gravely road. We parked in a heavily forested area, where every tree was dressed in vibrant autumn hues. I looked over at a marker on one of the towering umber tree trunks, and recognized it as the trail to Mockernut Falls.

"What are we doing here?" I gave him a curious glance with my still somewhat puffy eyes.

"There's something I want to show you. Now come on, follow me." He unbuckled himself, slipped out of the car, and opened the back door to let Belzar out. 

I did as he asked, and got out of the car as well. As we strolled hand in hand down the short dirt path, I had to be careful not to trip over the many large roots and jutting stones. I smiled as I took in a deep breath of the crisp forest air, filling my senses with it's earthy aroma. The serenade of birds chirping and wind rustling through the trees was like a serene berceuse floating gently all around us. Little squirrels busily rustled around and chattered as they prepared for the long winter ahead. The bright prismatic leaves were dense from the sky to the ground, enveloping us in a natural cathedral of burning colors. I couldn't help but wonder how proud the leaves must feel to become so radiant in their death. 

It wasn't long before we came across the huge roaring torrents of rushing water pouring out from the side of a steep rocky cliff. The falls were both tranquil and brutal as they cascaded down from the lofty jagged rocks above. They powerfully crashed upon the sharp virescent stones below, creating swirling clouds of white mist and violent rapids to flow around them.

"Come on, we're going up to the highest ledge." Ashton stated with a slight laugh, as he pulled me away from my waterfall viewing. 

After commanding Belzar to stay down below, we climbed up the steep rocky terrain together. The roughness of the stones made them easy to grip, but I felt my feet slip on the mossy ones a few times. Ashton was quick to help me regain my balance each time, and lifted me up some rather steep ledges that I couldn't reach on my own.

We finally traversed the highest ledge reachable. It was flat and over looked the tree tops and rushing water below. Ashton pulled me closely against him, with the cold breeze blowing through our hair, causing our wispy locks to playfully dance around us. 

We gazed out into the distance at the blazing autumn mountain range. The lofty peaks stretched across the skyline, and softy dipped down to a small glistening lake below. A red tailed hawk boldly screeched, as it glided gracefully over the landscape like a sword swiftly skimming still water. Crepuscular rays slipped through small cracks in the heavy dark clouds, creating incandescent patches of foliage throughout the ridge, as if the sun were kissing the lofty hills and burning them with it's scorching flames.

"It's so beautiful." I breathlessly said, from both the view and the fact that we had just scaled up to the top of the falls. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"   

"Yes, it is a lovely view, but I actually brought you up here to show you that you can trust me." He suddenly grabbed firmly onto my forearms, and quickly walked me over to the very edge of the cliff.

"Woh! Wait a minute! What are you doing!?" I fearfully asked as my heals were dragged right next to the massive drop off, where large jagged rocks and rushing water lingered below me.

Oh my god! Is he actually going to kill me!?

"Don't worry, I've got you, now I want you to lean back." He said, being completely serious.

"You can't be serious! No way Jose! This is way too dangerous! What if you drop me? I'll literally die!" I began to panic as I tried to get closer to him and away from the edge, but he held me firmly in place.

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