The Dark Prince

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The sharp gnarled slopes of a foreboding mountain range juxtaposed against the squally swirling black clouds that circled above them. Each trenchant peak was adorned in deep mahogany, making it appear as though the mountains were crowned with the oxidized blood of those heinously sacrificed upon their summits. 

The hilly land below was a strange otherworldly grassland. Tall blades of dark grey grass quivered with each passing gust of wind, like waves cascading across the sea. A few dark melancholic trees stood high and mighty throughout the knolls. Their dark greyish-purple serrated spade leaves twisted and hissed in the breeze, as if they were writhing in agony. Bizarre three eyed creatures, similar looking to undead pronghorns, grazed peacefully on the plants. Even in the darkness, their scraggly black coats and six gnarled branch-like horns stood out boldly against the grey wavering fields.

The balmy air fanned around my body with each powerful flap of Azathoth's monstrous wings. My arms ardently wove themselves around his strong neck, as I feverishly moaned into his mouth. My legs were firmly wrapped around his hips, while his large hands cradled my ass, as he vehemently fucked me midair. His searing hot flesh thrusted euphorically deep into my inner walls, perfectly matching the rhythm of his beating wings. 

He'd been in extremely high spirits since I'd told him that I wanted to preform the unbinding spell. Which was good and all, however, to show his enthusiasm, he had been making frequent stops just to fuck me, causing me to seriously doubt whether or not I'd ever be able to walk properly again. This time, he was apparently so eager to storm my trenches, that he didn't even bother to land us somewhere first.

His lips fervently cavorted against mine in a passionate dominating kiss. Our tongues twisted and plunged into each others mouths, greedy for the other's taste as they hungrily intertwined. One of his fangs gently nipped my lower lip, drawing out the smallest bead of blood. He eagerly licked it clean, then aggressively sucked it into his mouth like an absolute freak.

My lower muscles clenched and convulsed around his cock, as an overwhelming wave of warm tingling pleasure crashed over me. I screamed, while gripping onto him for dear life with my weak trembling hands. My forehead fell forwards onto his hot sweaty chest, as he released his burning essence into my womb. I could hear the rhythm of his rapidly beating heart, and felt it pulsating against my head.

He moved one arm up around my back and tightened his grip. We panted together, still conjoined, while softly bobbing up and down with every graceful flap of his wings. A soft loving chuckle rumbled in his chest, as he kissed the top of my head. The air began to wisp through my hair, whilst he gently flew us down. We calmly landed on a large twisted bough, which jutted out from one of the dark ominous looking trees. His large clawed hands slowly pried me off of him, causing his dick to slip out, leaving me feeling strangely empty. He carefully placed me down with my back resting against the thick rough trunk, and readjusted his pants.

The writhing purplish grey leaves twisted above us, like a softly hissing canopy of wiggling scales. I slowly looked up at him with heavy lustful eyes. He crouched before me, eyes aglow, and wings slightly spread out behind him. My legs were limp and useless, as expected, while my whole body felt completely enervated from all the sex. His thick seed trickled freely down my bare thighs, spilling onto the dark umber branch below me. With a loving smile, he gently pushed my dress down off my shoulders, exposing my peaking breasts. His head lazily dipped down, and he began lasciviously suckling on one of my nipples. 

All the sex was fun and whatnot, but a concerning thought kept creeping into the back of my mind. I snuffled a moan from the blissful feeling of his hot wet mouth assaulting my hardened bead, then tried to get his attention.

"Um.. A-Azathoth..." I breathily managed to say while lightly tapping his shoulder.

"Yes, Buttercup?" He deeply mumbled against my tit. 

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