Distant Memories

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The eerie howls of frigid blustery wind faintly whistled throughout the room, mingling with the sounds of the crackling fire and Gwendolyn's occasional soft sobs. Each tear that fell from her glossy emerald eyes felt like a drop of scathing serpents venom dripping onto my heart and stinging it raw. Although she was either trying to hide or conquer her new found fear of me, I could still hear her heart rate spike every time I moved. It was agonizing to know that my buttercup was afraid of me and that I was the cause of her pain. I wanted to pounce on top of her and lovingly canoodle all of her fear and sorrow away, but I knew that would probably just make it worse. So all I dared to do was gently hold and tenderly caress her, in an attempt to be as comforting as I could.

My chest constricted as I glanced down towards her dainty crestfallen profile at the glistening wet trails that streaked down her soft bruised cheeks. I desperately longed to lovingly kiss those tears away... And I also wanted to break every bone in Adelstein's loathly hands, then slowly skin them and make him eat the skin, as revenge for striking her. I had to suppress a malicious growl from rumbling out of my chest, as I distantly examined her injuries. 

The infuriated sadistic look on my face was quickly replaced with one of genuine love and adoration, as she slowly turned her head and looked up at me with a soft sad smile. I was honestly completely baffled by her sudden change of heart and how quickly she forgave me for killing Elowynn. Although I was immensely pleased by it, I did find it rather strange and down right confusing. 

"I love you." I softly told her as I tenderly brushed a lock of chestnut hair behind her ear. 

She looked so delicate and beautiful as she gazed back into my eyes, but her complexion was very pallid and she seemed exhausted. "You still haven't told me why you destroyed those cities." She quietly mentioned with curiosity in her eyes. 

A harrowing pain panged in my heart when she didn't say that she loved me in return. I fully understood that I would probably have to earn her love back with conciliatory words and actions, but it still hurt like a bitch.

I gently lifted her chin up so I could see her weary face a little better. "You really should go to bed. I can tell you the story tomorrow." 

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at me. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me." She sassily crossed her arms in defiance. 

I sighed with a loving smile on my face. Her feisty spirit was truly endearing. "I think you're forgetting that I'm a.. what did you call me again?.. Oh yeah, a gargantuan slab of demonic muscle, who can very easily carry you up to the bedroom and force a sleep cycle on you." I playfully taunted.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean you can force a sleep cycle on me?" 

Oh shit... She doesn't know about that yet... How do I explain this without having her think that I'm a giant whore?

She stiffened as I abruptly wrapped my arms even tighter around her body, successfully ensnaring her in my grasp. "Well, I'm half incubus.." I briefly gazed up at the ceiling as I carefully chose my words. "So I naturally have the ability to make someone fall asleep so I can enter their dreams." Her eyes widened at me, and I knew exactly what she was thinking, but I continued to speak anyways. "That's also why I can create an illusion that changes my appearance to hide my demonic features."

I gently swooped her up bridal style and began carrying her to the bedroom. She didn't try to fight me, but she didn't hold onto me either. Her body was stiff and unmoving like an awkward taxidermy animal.

"Is that why- ..Well, you see I've been having these dreams... about you.. and-" Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment as she nervously tried to ask about her erotic dreams. 

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