Rainy Day

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Heavy grey clouds loomed over the valley and shed their mournful tears generously over the slumbering land. I quietly laid in my bed as I gazed out through the window at the dark dreary morning with tired vacuous eyes. Raindrops loudly pitter-pattered on the angled roof above me like a showering melody. The leaves on the towering old maples outside were now a scarlet-green ombre, changing in the autumn air. Tiny beads of water pelted down upon them causing them to shake as the droplets gently rolled off and fell to the lush grass below.

The peaceful sound of wind chimes suddenly rang through the air, as my phone alarm played the whimsical tune to let me know that it was time to wake up. I suppressed the urge to throw it violently across the room in frustration. Falling back asleep last night had been an unsuccessful miserable chore. No matter how hard I had tried, I just couldn't stop thinking about that wild dream. I sighed, dreading that I'd have to start the day in my exhausted state, and slowly got out of bed.

The sleepy kitties stretched out their cute little jellybean toes as I gently petted them while changing into a plain grey dress. I walked downstairs to the bathroom and was horrified when I saw my hideous reflection in the mirror. Bold dark circles hung under my sleepy green eyes and stood out terribly against my pale complexion, making it look like death had come and sucked the life from me in the dark of night. I tried my best to cover what I could with concealer and added some mascara to my lashes, but I still looked like crap.

"Good enough." I whispered to myself in defeat.

I then pulled my dark hair out of my messy bed-head bun, letting it's long length unravel down to my butt. I quickly brushed it out and combed down my shaggy bangs, so that it wouldn't look like a bird had nested on my head, and threw it up into a ponytail.

I went into the kitchen and desperately rummaged around for some sort of caffeine. The coffee pot was broken and the tea boxes were all left empty. I wanted to scream in frustration, but I mentally calmed myself down a bit and tried to think of a solution.

"Doesn't matter, I'll just go to the cafe." I told myself through gritted teeth.   

I put on my favorite black denim jacket, that was decorated with band patches, and my trusty black combat style ankle boots. I then grabbed an umbrella, and quickly headed off to the cafe.

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The sweet smells of roasted coffee and freshly baked pastries filled my nose, as stared blankly at the cute handwritten menu board. My body was there but my eyes were empty. I must have looked like some magic seer trapped in a vision induced trance as I tried to decide between getting a london fog or a chai latte. Luckily, it didn't matter if I took my time ordering, because the place was almost empty except for a few people having breakfast.

"Uh, are you ready to order?" The young man behind the counter asked with a concerned look on his face. He had long blond dreaded hair and was rather cute, however a bit to grungy for my taste.

"Yeah, I think I'll have a large London fog and a fruit cup, please." I gave him a small sleepy half smile.

"Sounds good." He winked flirtatiously at me and left to go get my stuff.

I began patently waiting for my order and looked around the room. It was a very quaint country style mom&pop type of place, with small potted flowering plants on the tables and pictures of chickens on the walls. My eyes drifted over to a dark shadowed room in the back, and that sinister feeling I had gotten last night began to creep over me again. It felt like something sinister was hidden there in the darkness and inquisitively staring right back at me with malevolent eyes.  

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