Unexpected Company

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   The whimsical sound of wind chimes and the cadence of morning birds filled my room. My eyes fluttered open to the sight of a dull grey morning. The thick swirling clouds in the sky curtained the bright rays of sun, casting their darkened shadow across the valley. My body quivered as I thought of that second erotic dream I'd had about Ashton as a demon. I guess there was no harm in enjoying a naughty little dream. Besides, it could be kept a secret between me, myself, and I. 

I sat up with a smile and slipped out of bed. I had tried to make plans to go mushroom hunting with William and Amelia today. They had both initially agreed to come, but unfortunately bailed on me last minute like a couple of frosted flakes. William had a paper to write, Amelia was called into an early morning shift at her job, and I didn't even ask Lacey because I knew that she had class already.  

It was probably a dumb idea, and I knew Oliver would kill me if he found out, but I had decided to go alone anyways, despite all the crazed serial killer hullabaloo. I had been hunting for a patch of reishi mushrooms all season and I was determined to find those suckers, regardless of the possibility of running into a foaming at the mouth, heart collecting maniac, prowling around in the woods.           

I threw on a dark red tee-shirt dress, and brushed out my hair but left it down. I knew that it would probably become rather tangled while I was out in the forest, but a killer would be less likely to attack me if I looked like a cavelady who'd just wrestled a bear. I grabbed a basket to collect with, and threw my aunts journal in to read later in the peace and quiet.

I briskly walked down the stairs, basket in hand, with a bright smile across my lips. I turned the corner and... froze with a horrified look on my face.

Oh shit...

Ashton was here... inside my house... in the living room... talking and laughing with William...

Fucking fuckity fuckfuck!

I carefully began to slowly and quietly creep backwards. If I could just make it back around the corner and up the stairs without him seeing me, then I could go hide under my bed like a frightened house cat... 

His golden gaze quickly snapped over to me and met the 'deer caught in the headlights' look that I was giving him.... Dammit!

"Good morning, Gwendolyn." He said with a devilish smile. 

"Um.. Good morning, Ashton." I nervously cleared my throat. "W-what are you doing here?" I began slowly and warily walking a little closer to them, pretending that I wasn't just trying to sneak away.

"You left your phone at my place. I'm returning it to you." There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he held my small phone out in his large hand.

"Isn't that just so sweet of him?" William said while giving me a 'bow-chicka-bow-wow' eyebrow raise, and pointing his eyes at Ashton in a suggestive manner while grinning.

"Oh.. um okay, well thank you." I walked over and he handed me my phone with a warm smile. "Well, I have to get going. Good bye." I quickly said and tried to skillfully slip out the door before he could say anything else. I didn't even have my shoes on yet, but fuck shoes, I had to make a run for it! 

In one swift swoop, his large muscly arm lassoed my body and pulled me into a big unreturned hug, locking me in with his tight boa constrictor grip. My arms were glued to my sides and my hands flopped around a bit.  

"And where are you off to today?" He asked while smiling down at me.

"Oh I'm just going to do some boring.. uhh.. stuff.. at um.. a place.." I said nervously with my stiff body still squished against him.

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