All Hollow's Eve

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The low circle of dim flames crackled around us, as I dangled upside down and naked, in the usual eerie dreamland dungeon. Thick black ropes were strung up from large rusty hooks protruding from the ceiling, and were tightly bound around the length of my legs, spreading them wide apart. My exposed pussy was at the perfect height for demonic dream Ashton's mouth to devour, and he was, of course, doing just that. His big clawed hands were wrapped around me, firmly squeezing my butt, as he growled like a beast, while ravenously lapping away at my arousal. 

My weak arms desperately clung around his thick thighs, as I tried to take his massive cock into my mouth. My tongue needily swirled around the tip and flicked at the slit, desperate to taste him. I tried to fit the whole monstrous thing into my mouth, but he was so tall that I couldn't reach the base with my lips from my tied up position. I shakily moved one of my hands from his thigh, and gripped where my face couldn't reach. His front teeth suddenly grazed over my clit, with his fangs gliding along my nether lips, as a loud hiss escaped him.       

I squirmed against my restraints, while moaning and screaming with my mouth on his manhood. He hungrily sucked on my pearl, as I vigorously pumped his cock. A crescendo of growls and screams filled the dark room as we climaxed together, and ravenously drank in the others essence. I tried to catch my breath as my body heaved and quivered with after tremors. He began to slowly crouch down while trailing kisses along my body. His tongue circled my bellybutton, before he slowly made his way down to my lips. His mouth tenderly pressed against mine, as he kissed me Spiderman style, while weaving his clawed fingers through my swaying hair. 

After a minute, he broke the kiss with a deep purr. Then without saying a word, he stood up, and began to effortlessly slice through the thick ropes with his sharp claws. I was a bit surprised to be having another one of these bizarre erotic dreams. This was the first one I'd had since that night at the club, and I suspected that maybe my subconscious mind had finally put these strange fantasies to rest after my terrifying hallucination. 

His large arms caught my awkward floppy body as the final pieces of rope were cut. He lovingly carried me bridal style over to a stone bench that rested against the wall. Leathery obsidian wings wrapped snuggly around us, as he sat down with me on his lap, holding me closely against his firm chest. He gently trailed the side of a claw under my chin, lifting my face up to make me look at him. 

"You don't really find me awful and repulsive, do you, Buttercup?" His glowing ambery eyes warily searched mine as he awaited my answer.

I slowly reached up to gently place my hand on his stubbly cheek, and he placed his much larger hand on top of mine. I wondered why he would ask that, considering he was just a figment of my wacked out imagination. I began to carefully observe the long black claws that gently rested over my fingers. They were incredibly sharp and talon-like, and could easily slice right into my tender helpless flesh. It was only natural to feel sickened by such a sight.

But did I actually find him awful and repulsive though? "No, I suppose not." 

A relieved smile crossed his lips and his gaze softened with... admiration? Love, maybe? "Are you afraid of me? ..Of what I am?"

My eyes trailed up to his sharp twisted horns, and then down to his full soft lips that I knew concealed his razor sharp fangs. But I wasn't afraid to be held in his arms and wrapped up in his dragon-like wings. In fact, I felt safe with him. "Well, you certainly look intimidating, but I'm not afraid of you." I inwardly laughed at how silly it was to be having this conversation with a phantasmagorical demonic version of Ashton. 

"Good, I'm glad." He brought my hand over to his mouth and tenderly kissed my palm. "Do you love me?" His face was calm and loving, but I could see a strong sense of trepidation within his eyes. 

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