The Abyss

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"Gwendolyn, please wake up, my love... Dammit, she's still not waking up... Yes, I'm shaking her!.. Well what do you want me to do? Throw her across the room like an angry baboon!?... Oh Buttercup, you need to wake up... WAKE UP, BUTTERCUP!!... Alright fuck this, I give up... I'm just gonna take her and leave..." 

The thick somnolent fog in my mind ever so slightly dissipated, just enough to register the familiar deep voice that loudly called out to me from beyond my slumbering trance. But my drowsy eyes refused to open, and my exhausted fatigued body just simply wouldn't budge. So I sleepily ignored both the voice and the warm hands that were caressing me and gently shaking my shoulder. Although it was unsuccessful in prying me away from the tight grip of unconsciousness, I could still tell that big strong arms carefully lifted me up and held me tightly against something warm and firm that smelt like fire and spice. I sleepily snuggled in closer, aware that it was Ashton, then complete darkness to overtook my senses yet again. 

-: ✧ :-✧-: ✧ :-

I eventually gave up on the grueling fight to stay asleep, and slowly fluttered my sleepy eyes open. I was snuggly cradled in Ashton's arms, and he was lovingly smiling down at me in all his demonic glory... 

Oh.. Right.. That wasn't all just some crazy fucked up nightmare.. Ashton is actually the demon Azathoth.. I'm literally dating a maniacal demon.. Fuck.

"Good morning, Buttercup." He softly said with a suspicious smirk, bringing me out of my mental face palm moment, as he lovingly caressed my cheek with his large clawed hand.

My eyes lingered on his sharp pearly white fangs as he spoke, then shifted to the sky behind him. We were outside and it was still dark out, with swirling pitch black clouds raging above us, threatening to bring an impending storm. The breeze felt strangely balmy for late autumn, and smelt like a pungent ashy rotten metallic smell, but it was nearly impossible to describe because I'd never smelt anything like it before and there was nothing that I could really compare it to either. 

I furrowed my brows in confusion when I noticed an unsettling cadence of sibilant lamentations whispering in the warm breeze. Then my eyes abruptly widened in terror, as a loud high pitched sickly roar that reminded me of a cheesy dinosaur movie eerily screeched in the distance. 

"What the fuck!?" I quickly scrambled up and frantically latched my arms around Azathoth's neck like a pathetic startled poltroon. 

His strong arms wrapped around me, and he leaned his head back to look into my eyes with a sly guilty grin. "Welcome to The Abyss, my love." He gave me a swift little peck on the cheek. 

The Abyss!? Did he seriously just say THE MOTHERFUCKING ABYSS!? 

"WHAT!?" I squawked.

One of my now trembling hands latched onto the nap of his neck, and the other gripped his back, beneath the curtain of obsidian locks, in between his shoulder blades where his wings protruded from. In complete shock and horror, I gingerly peered out over his muscular shoulder at my strange new perilous surroundings, while desperately clutching onto him for dear life.

We were sitting on a large rough rock on the edge of a ghoulish forbidding forest. The towering thick trees were gnarled, gaunt, and barren. Sickly undead ashen corpses were imprisoned within the shaded dark umber bark, as if the trunks had swallowed half of them whole and then grown around them. Their skin was light gray, rotted, and papery and their eyes and mouths were like soulless gaping black abyssal holes. Skeletal branch-like limbs extended out from them, grasping randomly into the frightful darkness with their jagged clawed hands. Long pendulous black vines looped and dangled from the higher branches and ghostly gossamer sheets draped melancholically all around. A shadowy unnatural fog ominously slithered along the slimy ground, wisping through the gnarled spikes of menacing thorn bushes like tendrils of death, while hideous undead bat-like creatures fluttered throughout the twisted branches in the air. 

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