Ouija Board's Blow

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Thunderous rumbles and booming roars rolled throughout the valley. Flashes of crackling lightning penetrated the suffocating dark, and spread across the sky like incandescent veins, illuminating the blanket of thick clouds in hues of lavender-blue and violet. Heavy rain poured from the angry skies, and trickled down the glass window panes of the little blue house.  Candles of varying colors, shapes, and scents were lit all around the home, do to the power flickering on and off. 

William, Lacey, Amelia, and I were cozily sheltered from the storm, sitting in full costume on my bedroom floor, around a small wooden ouija board. The mystifying thingamabob rested comfortably on my black plush carpet, and was decorated with burned engravings of thorns, skulls, and a pentagram in the middle. We were trying to kill some time before we had to leave for William's 'sword swallowing' performance, at a special Halloween drag competition... That was unfortunately being held at Hell's Hornbeam

I tried not to gag too much at the thought of going to the club, and attempted to straighten out my big floppy witch hat for the millionth time. The thing seemed like a sentient being that just wanted to stay crooked. I anxiously twiddled with the hem of my skirt, because I felt rather self conscious in my slutty costume, and was considering changing into something else. The skirt on my gothic red and black corseted dress was too short for my liking, and it hugged my curves while pushing my boobs up a bit too much. Plus, my long black heeled boots were absolutely ridiculous.

I peeked around to compare the sluttiness level of my costume to that of my friends, in a vain attempt to convince myself that it was fine. Lacey wore a sparkling light green fairy costume with pale flowers in her black curly hair, and glittering gossamer wings on her back. Her shoes were opened toed sparkling silver heals. She looked beautiful, as always, and wasn't very slutty... dammit

My gaze shifted to Amelia next. She was a gory zombie, soaked in fake blood, with over the top gruesome makeup, and her red hair was in complete disarray. She wore tattered cloths that were ripped in some very revealing spots, and looked dirty and bloodstained, with old converse sneakers. She was somewhat slutty, but definitely not going for sexy. 

I didn't even have to compare my costume to William's to know which one was sluttier. He was in full drag as a very skimpy, practically naked, shield maiden. His Nordic style bronze and silver armored skirt just barely covered the silver glittery thong he was wearing, and his breast plate was more like a very revealing bra. Next to him were his shinny silver heels, along with the two fake viking swords. His hair was styled elven-like, with intricate braids weaved within his long blond locks... Well, can't get much sluttier than him.  

"Ooo OO! It's moving! It's fucking Moving!" William frantically exclaimed, as the planchette slowly began to move across the board.

"Holy shit, it is! What's it saying!" Amelia was just as thrilled.

I gazed onto the board in surprise, because the planchette actually was moving very slowly over the letters. Lacey and I both didn't believe in all that supernatural hocus-pocus codswallop, but William and Amelia were open to it. We all carefully eyed the board in disbelief and anticipation, as our hands followed the words that formed. 

Y-O-U  G-U-Y-S  A-R-E  D-U-M-B

"You guys are- What the!? ...Lacey!" William glared over at her in an annoyed yet humorous way.

Lacey's face contorted as she tried to suppress her big guilty smirk, but then she couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. "Wow! I didn't think that you guys would figure out it was me so quickly!"

"Well, you still had me confused!" I said through my laughter.  

"EEEaaahh! This thing is fucking rubbish!" William dramatically exclaimed as he struck the board all of a sudden with one of his floppy swords.

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