The Battle of Evil and Corruption (pt. 1)

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Dim shadows winsomely danced all throughout the kitchen, cast by the assortment of various candles which warmly illuminated the room. Azathoth's large body was sprawled out on the wooden table, one leg bent at the knee, the other lazily dangling off the end, with his damp raven locks cascading over the side. The refection of his muscular physique softly glimmered across the darkened glass of the large paned window beside him. Other than his claws and fangs, he looked pretty much human again, wearing nothing but his black sweat pants.

My eyes intently followed a delicious looking piece of stuffed circular pasta, as two of his sharp black claws gently placed it down onto the rippling muscly surface of his even more delicious looking set of perfect masculine abs. The pasta instantly steamed and sizzled, reheated to perfection. 

"Awesome." I giggled, then quickly reached for the tasty little morsel, but was immediately chastised. 

"Ah, ah, ah! What did I say? No hands." Azathoth waved a scornful finger at me, with a dorky lopsided grin.

I reluctantly withdrew my hand, tightened the belt of my fluffy dark red bathrobe, then slowly leaned my face down to sensually gobble up the tortellini off of my living microwave of a boyfriend. My lips lingered on his flexing stomach, while my tongue seductively darted out along his hot flesh to make sure that I was getting every last tidbit of noodley flavor. 

"Mmm, Yes." I moaned. "I waited two whole days in The Abyss for that." I tucked a strand of damp hair behind my ear and slowly licked my lips. I was eternally grateful that despite the power outage, I still had a way to reheat my coveted tortellini.

He abruptly yanked on my bathrobe, pulling my face up to his. "Keep that up, Buttercup, and I'll have to fuck you while frying eggs on myself." He joked with a deep chuckle. Then he froze in deep thought for a quick second while meditatively tapping his chin, and pointed at me. "Actually, on second thought, that's a brilliant idea. Let's do that tomorrow for breakfast, regardless." He grinned, then pressed a big old excited smackaroo on my lips. 

I laughed and slightly stumbled back as he released his hold on me. "Alright, it's a date. But for now, keep those tortellini coming!" I rapidly waved my hand in small impatient circles.

He devilishly smirked. "As you wish, my love." His hand reached into the circular pyrex container, and pulled out two more pieces of tortellini. He laid back down completely flat, and placed one on each of his nipples. "Then after this, let's go kill Adelstein!" His hand enthusiastically pointed up, as the tortellinis steamed.

-: ✧ :-✧-: ✧ :-

My slender fingers finished weaving my long hair into a thick braid. "Perfect." I whispered to myself with a slight frown. The shock and denial of what had happened to Amelia was starting to wear off, causing my heart to become heavy and filled with anxiety for my other friends. But I wasn't about to lose my cool and panic. Panicking didn't help. It only made things worse. I was going to be strong, get through this, and then I would allow myself to properly grieve. I pulled the hair tie from my wrist, then secured my braid in place with a look of determination.

"Now I just need my... jacket..." My face fell as I disappointedly drawled the last word.

Fuck Adelstein for cutting up my favorite jacket on that stupid alter... 

I furrowed my brows, then walked over to the closet. The old wooden door creaked as it slowly drifted open, revealing a plethora of hanging garments. I began hastily rummaging around, ignoring the awful squeak from the shifting clothes hangers. As I reached for my plain black hoodie, I suddenly felt that almost forgotten unsettling feeling of being watched. 

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