The Dreamscape Seas

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~Five months later~

Bright beams of late afternoon sunshine whimsically cascaded down from the crystal clear skies, and peacefully glimmered upon the frolicking deep turquoise waves. Salty sea winds whipped against the flying jolly roger, displaying a menacing skull and crossbones emblem among the puffy billowing white sails. The ocean waters crashed against the mighty vessel, rocking it to the deadly lullaby of the sea as if hummed by Poseidon himself.  A noisy flock of seagulls loudly squawked as they circled overhead, while dolphins playfully jumped through the lustrous waves.

My ruffed cerulean blue victorian dress flounced in the breeze, with my breasts threatening to burst from the tightly corseted bodice. They heaved within the confines of the white lacy frills that adorned the edges, as I helplessly struggled against the thick ropes that wrapped several times around my upper body, firmly tying me to the ship's mainmast. 

As I angrily grumbled and squirmed, a group of unruly marauders boisterously cheered, celebrating the victory of my capture. "Avast ye, hearties..." A crusty old salt with an eye patch, missing tooth, and unkept grey beard said, as he pointed towards me with his tarnished cutlass. "We'll be gettin' a mighty fine ransom for this one!" 

The rambunctious gang of filthy sea looters all clamorously applauded. "Splice the mainbrace!" One hollered, as celebratory rum was uncivilly poured into mugs all around. "Drink up, me hearties! Yo ho!"

As the crew mindlessly lauded about their triumph, an eerie ocean wind suddenly blew through my long wavy chestnut locks, slightly messing up my elegant half up bun and thick side braids. Dark foreboding clouds began to creep over the horizon, suffocating the sun, and bringing an unsettling sense of dread along with them.

All of a sudden, out from the dark inky waters, a vessel seeming spewn straight from the depths of Hell appeared. Three large post held the massive black sails which uncannily captured the evil unnatural winds, pulling it swiftly towards us. Sea water violently billowed as the dark umber wood of the ghoulish ship mercilessly cut through the tempest waves. Petrified corpses lifelessly hung by their necks from the gullies while hauntingly swaying back and forth. There was a statue of a nightmarish undead gargoyle resting just below the bowsprit, with it's menacing bat-like wings hugging the sides of the ship. One of it's ghastly clawed hands was outstretched, holding a decaying severed head by it's long hair. And a sinister black flag baring a familiar demonic sigil waved out from above the empty crows nest. 

My face paled as I beheld the unsettling spectacle of mephistophelian horrors... But deep down inside, I was secretly giggling. Jeez, That thing is ominous as fuck.

"Sail, ho! Sail, ho!" Some scallywag shouted. "Captain Barnaclebeard! We're being pursued!"

"Aaaarrrrggghhh!" Captain Barnaclebeard angrily exclaimed. "Dudley! Fetch me thee good ol' spyglass." He put a grimy hand on his worn pirate hat to keep it from blowing away, as his black barnacle encrusted beard and ratty old red captains coat flapped in the sinister winds. 

An academically challenged looking buccaneer rushed over and handed him a monocle. "No! Not the eyeglass! The spyglass! You bilge-sucking landlubber!" The captain hissed with distain. Dudley hastily bumbled through his jacket then pulled out a telescope, which the captain aggressively snatched away and peered through. "Well, shiver me timbers..." He lowly drawled in his gravelly pirate voice. "That thar be a demon ship... A vessel of pure evil." His face was stoic, as if he knew impending death was upon them. "Weigh the anchor and hoist the mizzen! Lest we all become fish food!"

The crew began frantically clodhopping around, preparing to set sails... But they were too late. The unholy ghost ship quickly pulled up beside us. Then, all of a sudden, a mysterious sexy lone pirate came swiftly swinging in on a rope, with his long braided black hair elegantly swooshing through the air behind him. His tall muscular frame skillfully flipped down and gracefully landed on the deck. 

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