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"...Oh Gwendolyn... It's time to wake up my sweet little Buttercup..."

The sound of Ashton's deep voice cooing to me, plus the feeling of his warm hand delicately stroking my hair gently roused me from my peaceful slumber. My eyes softly fluttered open to the sight of his ethereally handsome face smiling over at me. He was laying beside me, shirtless and propped up on his forearm, causing his muscular tattooed bicep to flex deliciously. A soft beam of sunlight poured in through the window, and onto the back of his head, casting a warm halo-like glow over his flowing raven locks. His golden eyes twinkled with love, matching the golden rays of morning sun that illuminated the room. It was a look that seemed to make all the terrors from last night gently melt away. 

"Good morning." I happily smiled back at him, then sleepily yawned. 

"Good morning, Buttercup." He leaned in and placed a tender kiss on my lips. "Now, as much as I'd love to ravish you this morning, William and Lacey are still here, and we have important business to attend to." He nuzzled into the crevice of my neck, and placed a warm and strangely tingly feeling kiss on the scar that he'd left there, making me feel all hot and bothered.

I watched as he sat up and turned around to place his feet on the floor. His long black hair cascaded down the length of his broad muscular back like an obsidian waterfall. A few soft strands gently flowed in front of his face, as he leaned forwards to stand and then stretched up to his towering height.

Even though I'd obviously seen him many times before, I still couldn't help but gawk at his masculinity like a blushing virgin seeing a man for the first time. I was suddenly so incredibly drawn to him. The way his muscular frame appeared in the golden light made him seem like a heavenly being. My breath hitched in my chest and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach as I intently watched. He quickly noticed that I was blatantly checking him out, and gave me a very smug devilish grin, reminding me that this man was certainly no angel.

"Like what you see?" He confidently smirked while raising a brow.

"Yeah, yeah, so what if I do." I crossed my arms, even though I was blushing terribly, and smiled. "I was just admiring how your hair always looks so unfairly perfect, that's all." I dismissively waved a hand at him, so he wouldn't get too cocky from my complement.  

"Oh really? Is that so?" He chuckled cockily while prowling around to my side of the bed. He sat with his back facing me, and swiftly flicked his hair in my direction. "It's very soft too, you know." He not so subtly beckoned me to touch it.

I tried to ignore him, and began mindlessly fidgeting with the velvety crimson coverlet instead. He flicked his hair at me again, this time making sure the strands tickled my face. "Hey! Okay, okay, you win!" I giggled and began to run my hands through the lustrous midnight drapery that curtained his hard muscles. Every shiny strand was almost hypnotic and felt like the softest silk gliding through my pale fingers. I gave his scalp a quick scratch with my red painted nails, and he happily leaned into my touch.

"Oh, I really like that." He said with a purr. 

"Jeez, what are you, a house cat or something?" I laughed as my other hand joined in to more vigorously scratch him, roughly messing up his once perfect hair.

He laughed as well, then turned his now disheveled head to face me, in a manner that radiated danger. "Those are bold words coming from someone who mewls in delight every time I stroke their pussy." He swiftly pounced on me with a growl, and firmly grabbed right between my legs. I let out a little "Oh" noise with a giggle.

"Are you two lounge lizards even out of bed yet!? The police are waiting for Gwendolyn at the house, you know!" Lacey's voice suddenly came through the door, accompanied by loud knocking. 

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