The Cult

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My eyes intently followed the tiny droplets of dark wax as they ever so slowly trickled down the tall black candles that rested on the kitchen table. The gentle flickering flames dimly illuminated Ashton and I, as we sat together, eating our very delicious homemade tomato pesto pizza. I accidentally broke my concentration on the candle wax and peeked over at Ashton, who was in the middle of taking a big bite, then immediately burst out laughing for the tenth time during our meal.  

"Is it really that funny?" He asked while laughing himself. "You know, you don't look any better yourself." He stuffed another big bite of pizza into his mouth.

I snickered at the ridiculous sight of him as I took a bite. His long dark locks were in complete disarray, and lightly dusted with a fine white power. Small white handprints and tiny powdery splotches were sprinkled all over his face, shirt, and pants, making him look like one stacked stack of pancakes with powered sugar on top, as he pretended to glare over at me while aggressively chewing.

I struggled to swallow the bite of pizza in my mouth, as I desperately tried not to laugh at him again. "Well if you don't want me laughing at you during dinner, then don't start a violent flour war and act like a rabid gorilla the next time we make a pizza! You were literally jumping from counter top to counter top while throwing powdery fistfuls of it all over the kitchen. It looks like it snowed in here, for goodness sake!" I said through my near hysterical laughter as I flailed my arms in the air, gesturing around at our flour covered kitchen. 

"Yes, but I really got you good, didn't I?" He chuckled as he lewdly brushed one of the large white handprints from my boob. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I waved my hand dismissively at him as my cackling died down. He really had gotten me good though. I looked as if I'd been brutally attacked by a sentient bloodthirsty flour cloud, and had just barley managed to escape with my life. "So, why again are we going to the cliffs tonight?" I asked with a carefree smile.

He suddenly tensed at my subject changing question. "Well.. um, as I said earlier, there's something important that I need to speak to you about." My smile faltered. There was something in his ambery eyes that I couldn't quite place, but whatever it was, it made me feel really uneasy, like this wasn't going to be a good talk. 

I looked down and vacantly brushed some extra flour from my pizza crust using my finger. "Well, um, can I at least know the topic?" My heart was beginning to nervously pound in my chest.

"I'd really rather tell you once we get up there." My eyes warily followed his hand, as he nervously ran it through his floury hair while avoiding eye contact, causing my heart to sink.

...Oh shit... No, no, please no!  

Was he going to breakup with me? A suffocating feeling of dread and anxiety came crashing over my body and mind. Terrible breakup scenarios began racing through my head. Then awful memories of past relationships where I had been used for sex and then dumped came flooding back. I was actually in love for the first time in my life. Sure he was a psychopath who'd killed a few people here and there, but I was still deeply fucking in love with the man! How would my heart survive if he abandoned me now? 

"What- w-why?" I fearfully stammered, as a nauseous feeling began to settle within the pit of my stomach. 

I really hope that I'm just overreacting...

"I-I just.. Please just let me tell you when we get there." He put his piece of pizza down and uncomfortably shifted in his chair, while apprehensively staring over at the wall.

Oh fuck... He's not even finishing his food!? Something's really REALLY wrong... 

I sucked in a deep breath with absolutely no intention of blurting out my thoughts, but that's exactly what I did. "Look it, if you're going to break up with me just do it now! Don't bring me to-"

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