Letting the Pages Burn

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My weak fatigued arm swiftly lifted the small journal above my head, then furiously slammed it down onto the bed. The book bounced on the crimson coverlet, with the slightly yellowed pages fluttering around inside of it. I angrily huffed and fell backwards onto the bed myself. My now semi-dry damp hair fanned out around my head as my weary eyes despondently stared up at the crack in the ceiling.

I can't fucking believe this shit.

I had spent the last hour and a half locked away, hiding in the bedroom like a little frightened hermit crab, crying and obsessively reading and re-reading the stupid journal. There was simply no way around it, each time I re-read the damn thing it became even clearer... She wanted me to unbind that unscrupulous jerk! 

The only thing that still didn't make sense was the fact that in the dream Aunt Elowynn had said that we were in the realm of the dead. But how could I have gone to the realm of the dead in a dream? The only thing that would make sense is if I had died, but I was clearly still alive. So perhaps the dream wasn't real after all, and I didn't have to forgive and unbind him like she asked?... Or I did actually die and somehow I magically turned all Frankenstein?  

I sighed and closed my eyes. Of all the unlikely circumstances that I could have ended up in, why couldn't it have been my secret pirate fantasy? The one where I'm a princess being held for ransom by a group of unruly marauders. Then a mysterious sexy lone pirate swings in on a rope from his ghost ship and beats them all up. He then kidnaps me and we make love while sailing off into the sunset together... I giggled with a mischievous lustful smile on my face. Oh yes... Nothing quite like a devilishly handsome pirate... Mhmm... My eyes suddenly snapped open and I furrowed my brows. 

Focus, Gwendolyn, focus! Now's not the time to get lost in your stupid pirate fantasy! 

I sat up and absentmindedly plucked some cat hair off of my black tank top and red sweat pants in an attempt to distract myself from my harsh reality. Once my clothing seemed plucked clean, I stood up on my weak wobbly legs and began lethargically pacing back and forth. The cold floor boards creaked beneath me as I thought up my plan. 

Okay, I'll just go down stairs and ask Ashton if I died. If he says yes, then that means the dream was definitely real. So, I'll hear him out and try to forgive him. He did just save my life after all, and I trust that Aunt Elowynn would know what's best for me. From there I'll determine whether I should unbind him or not... And if he says no, I'll simply walk away and never speak to him again... Seems like a solid plan.

I slowly creaked open the bedroom door, and nervously gulped as I stared out into the dark hallway. I knew that he was still the "man" I'd spent the last two months with, and he hadn't hurt me thus far, but I was still intimidated and shocked by the whole 'Surprise! You're boyfriend's actually the bloodthirsty demon who destroyed several cities' thing. I also wasn't sure if he'd be upset with me after that diatribe I'd given him earlier, and frankly, I still hated his fucking guts for what he'd done and was ready to lay another one down on him just for the hell of it. But it was still nerve racking to go and face him. He could very easily kill me if he decided to after all. 

I briskly scurried over to the the stairs and warily peeked over the railing down into the foyer. There was a dim light shining across the wooden floor, coming from the living room. He must be in there... I began to very carefully and slowly creep down the stairs, one creaky step at a time. The more I descended, the more panicked and anxious I felt. My breathing became strained and my heart violently pounded in my chest. I paused halfway down and put my trembling hands over my face to compose myself. 

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