Kidnapped by a Murderer

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Ashton got out of the car and swiftly glided around the hood to the passenger side. His large dark frame looked like a ghostly shadow cutting through the black rainy night. I tried to lock the door, but my drunk trembling hands failed in my pathetic attempt to find the right button. He forcefully opened the door and loomed down over me, like a menacing predator cornering their prey.

"Stay away from me!"  I loudly screamed and tried to back up. My legs kicked at him as my butt fell into the drivers seat

He sighed with an annoyed look on his face. "No, you're coming with me and that's final." He firmly stated as he forcefully grabbed one of my legs and effortlessly pulled me out of the car.   

His hand latched onto my upper arm with an iron grip and he began dragging my flailing struggling body up the overgrown cracked cobblestone path leading to the ominous looking house. The rain and lack of lights made it extremely dark and difficult to see anything, causing me to stumble when we reached the first wooden step that led up onto the front porch. 

I dug my heels against the old worn out planks as he tried to pull me inside through the large front door. Tears fell from my eyes and screams came from my lips as I latched my hands onto the splintering door frame.

"Buttercup..." He growled out. "You're being ridiculous..." He moved his grip from my upper arm and wrapped his hands around my torso, pulling me up so that my feet were lifted off the ground. 

"Let me go!" I screamed and plead with fear, as I desperately tried to hold on.

"No... Now get inside!"  His voice was again more of a growl as he forcefully yanked on my body. 

My knuckles turned white and it felt as if my hands might break. Old white paint chipped beneath my black fingernails as my grip gave out and I was pulled into the darkness. A big strong arm firmly locked my back against his chest, and I heard the door quickly shut behind me.   

With a click he flicked on a dusty old table lamp, revealing a large but dingy antiquated foyer with a double height ceiling. The maroon walls had water stains and were in desperate need of a new paint job. A large dark wooden staircase with intricate carvings curved up from the right side of the foyer, and led to a balcony that framed the room. A dusty crystal chandelier hung above us like frozen glittery teardrops draping mournfully from strings. There was a double-wide archway leading to what I assumed was the living room straight ahead, and a smaller one on the left that I could tell led into a kitchen.   

I stood there, soaking wet, extremely drunk, and trembling with fear. Long raven locks of dripping hair fell over my shoulder and tickled against my arm, as Ashton leaned his face in closer above my head from behind.  

"You can relax, you're in no danger here." He calmly spoke into my ear while using his free hand to brush up and down my arm.  

The glow of two large yellow eyes reflecting against the light suddenly appeared in the shadows of the living room. My eyes grew wide with fright and my body stiffened against Ashton. A huge black wolf emerged from the darkness with a growl, and came charging over to us.

Not in danger he says!? ...Not in fucking danger!? 

Was he actually going to let that thing attack me!? I screamed and covered my face in terror as I braced myself for a violent and painful death. The snarling wolf leaped up at us, it's massive size towered over my small frame. This is it, good bye cruel world... 

The sound of puppy dog licks and deep laughter suddenly echoed throughout the room. I carefully peeked my eyes open. "Down Belzar, down." Ashton laughed while pushing the wolf off of him using the arm that wasn't busy constricting me. The wolf backed down with a small yip and happily wagged it's tail. I looked at it with befuddlement in my wide wary eyes, and it looked back at me with an intelligent almost human like curiosity. "Good Boy!" Ashton lovingly praised.

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