Reflecting the Dawn

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The light of dawn was soon to break over the dreary grey morning, as I manifested out from the dreamscape realms. I laid back down in the dark silent room beside my dainty slumbering Buttercup, my love. My eyes glowed as I stared lovingly over at her, purring in satisfaction as I thought about what we had just done in her dreams. Her delicate face was flushed yet serene in slumber, while her bare breasts softly heaved up and down, tantalizing my libertine soul all over again. Although hidden beneath the blankets, I was confident that her essence trickled down between her thighs. There was no way it wasn't after what I had just put her through.

I continued to watch her sleep, while gently caressing her silky dark hair and soft pale skin. Her beauty took my breath away, and I could hardly believe that she was really mine. But, as my claws brushed over my claim on her neck, my chest constricted with a harrowing feeling of trepidation. She had been bewildered to find that the second bite had healed within less than a day, and I couldn't come up with a good explanation, other than suggesting that she must be taking some pretty good vitamins. She didn't buy into it, of course. I sighed and squeezed my eyes tightly shut, knowing that the time had come to reveal the truth to her. After placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, being careful not to wake her, I disappeared in a cloud of black mist. 

I reappeared in my demonic form, outside near the edge of the lake, where the scenery was cold and bleak. A lifeless gown of death and decay adorned the lands, preparing them for their icy entombment during the fast approaching frozen months of winter. Thick fog clouded my view and I could just barely see the ghostly mist rolling down the obscured mountains in the distance. The forlorn wails of loons echoed through the white wispy veil, while a raven croaked from high up in the air. Sparkling white frost gilded the dying earth below my feet, and glittered upon the trees above my head, as their empty gnarled branches reached for the slate grey sky. 

I slowly walked to the edge of the water, where a thin layer of crystallizing ice was beginning to form. The cloud from my hot breath mingled with the chilled air and fanned around my face, disappearing into the swirling mist. As I gazed down into the inky black waters, the reflection of my apprehensive spirit stared back at me. The season was coming to an end. 

I ponderously stepped into the lake, walking deeper and deeper, until the frigid waves gently lapped over my infected arm. I sank down so that just my head and the arches of my horned wings were above the dark icy waters. The cold behaved as an anodyne, bringing soothing relief to the accursed pernicious wound on my shoulder. All the time I'd spent manifested in the physical realm had allowed the scathing poison to spread quicker throughout my veins, hastening the urgency of my plan. I knew that my time was running low, however, my soul would not bow down before the scythe without a fight.

My heart fearfully ached as I reflected on my inevitable confession. I had already put it off for a few days, afraid of ruining the love we now freely shared, but I couldn't avoid it any longer. With every passing day my deplorable web of lies seems to grow, just as the deleterious web of poison within my veins does.  

What will she say when she finally learns that I am the demon Azathoth? That "Ashton Meyers" is merely a shallow mask that I wear to disguise my true diabolical form? How will I tell her that I am the evil presence she fears in the shadows, calling out to her with sibilant whispers? That it is actually me who pleasures her senseless in her sinful dreams, and not an imagined apparition? That I deceived her about killing in cold blood? That I was the cause of Elowynn's untimely death?

Guilt contorted my face. How would she ever forgive the beast who killed her beloved aunt?

I nervously flapped my wings beneath the water, creating small waves all around me. The sharp horns on the furthest tips scrapped and stirred up the watery gravel and sand, as I remorsefully thought about how I had ensnared my sweet blossoming buttercup in my web of dark shadows and macabre fate. I had corrupted her with my bloodlust, duplicitously marred her pure flesh with my claim, and turned her into the nocturnal nymphet of my erotic fantasies... All while deceiving her about who I truly am and what I've done

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