Mourning Doves

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    Bright rays of morning sunlight came gently streaming in through the window and kissed my face with their warming glow. The soft coos of mourning doves quietly echoed through the room and filled my soul with a peaceful joy. I smiled and slowly stretched out in the big comfy bed. For the first time in a while, I had finally gotten a great night sleep and my body felt completely refreshed. My eyes softly fluttered open... and then they suddenly widened in horror! 

Oh no! ...No no no! 

I quickly sat up and looked around the large sunny antiqued bedroom in terror. I ripped the velvety dark crimson coverlet off of my body, and gasped when I saw that I was wearing a large black tee shirt. As I realized where I was, all the memories from last night quickly came flooding back into my mind.

Going to the party, meeting that James guy, that James guy trying to rape me and getting murdered by Ashton, Ashton kidnapping me, being naked in front of Ashton... Oh my god!

I quietly climbed out of the large bed and began to warily tiptoe to the door. It was already open, no doubt so Ashton could keep an eye on me as I slept. I peeked out down the hallway and over to the railing that overlooked the foyer. I knew that I had to sneak out of this place before he realized that I was awake, or else I might just get murdered too. I didn't see any sign of him, so I very very quietly continued to tiptoe over to the large staircase, not even breathing.

The old floor boards slightly creaked every now and then, causing me to flinch each time. I slowly turned and began stealthily descending down the large curved stairs. My heart was pounding so painfully hard that I thought it might exploded in my chest. I could faintly hear Ashton rummaging around in the kitchen as I eyed the front door and gulped. 

My foot carefully landed on the last step and I knew that this was it... I had to make a run for it. There was no chance to be stealthy beyond this point, he was defiantly going to see me through the kitchen archway and hear the door regardless. I would have to stay in a dead on sprint once I got outside if had any chance of escape.

Alright, here goes nothing. Deep breaths... 3...2...1-

"Woof Woof" 

Fuck, I'm dead.

Belzar's large fluffy black body came running out of the kitchen as he happily panted and started jumping up at me. I let out a small scream and flinched away from him in fear. If he were any other dog, I would have easily recognized that he was clearly just happy to see me and begging for affection, but I was terrified of his intimidating wolfy appearance.

"Oh good, you're awake." Ashton said with a smile as he came into view from around the corner. He was still wearing only black sweatpants, but his long thick hair was now neatly tied back in a braid.

My face paled and my heart raced as I stood there paralyzed, while staring at him with wide eyes like a child who'd just been caught stealing candy. Did he not notice that I was trying to escape?

"Come on." He put his warm hand gently on my back and started to lead me into the kitchen. "I made breakfast for you." A perfectly handsome grin flashed across his face.

I hesitantly turned into the kitchen with him. My eyes were still extremely wide and my anxiety was through the roof. The kitchen was very old looking, as I expected, with peeling light green wallpaper, old appliances, and an original stone floor. The mess on the counter and stove top suggested that this guy hadn't cooked a day in his life. Pots and pans were strewn about, every kind of utensil had been used. I was suspicious that he had been trying to flip eggs with a butter knife. Hell, I wouldn't have been shocked to find a shoe in the oven...

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