Under the Beltane Moon

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The pleasant piney scent of a lit evergreen candle filled the quaint antiqued bathroom, while I patiently sat in the darkness created by my closed eyes. Soft tickly hairs lightly caressed my downcast lids, making it difficult to keep them from uncontrollably twitching. My lips wiggled as I pursed them tightly together, trying desperately to snuffle my laughter and stay as still as possible. 

"Babe, knock it the fuck off! Or I'm going to 'accidently' make you look like a drunken Kardashian who's been repeatedly slapped in the face with a garbage bag." A male voice sassily threatened.

Was that seriously supposed to get me to not laugh?

Unable to take it anymore, I threw my head back in a loopy fit of giggles. "I'm sorry! I just can't help it! It tickles so much!" I exclaimed as my eyes fluttered open, brining William's irritated scowl into view. 

He had one hand on his hip and an eyeshadow brush in the other. His pale yellow hair was twisted up on top of his head in a frizzled messy bun, with an unlit joint tucked away behind his ear. He impatiently tapped at the grey tile floor with his foot. 

The wooden stool I was sitting on squeaked beneath me, as I pulled my fluffy red bathrobe tighter around my waist. A blindingly bright ring light was propped up on the sink counter, shinning directly onto my face. It stood tall among a sea of various cosmetic products that were chaotically strewn about, making it look as if a rainbow makeup bomb had gone off. 

Since tonight was the demonic equivalent of my wedding night, William had insisted on going all Bobbi Brown on me and dolling me up. And holy hot damn was that man skilled with a makeup brush and curling iron. The look he had given me was light and natural, with tastefully applied smoky umber eyes and rosy lips. My long chestnut locks were curled into loose gentle ringlets, and pulled back on one side with an elegant lightly bejeweled barrette that reminded me of silver spun twigs. 

"Come on, I'm almost done!" He brought a black liquid eyeliner pen up to my right lid. I hastily reclosed my eyes. "I just have to add some small wings. Then trust me, once Azathoth gets a load of how hot you look, it's going to totally knock his fucking socks right off, baby!" He enthusiastically exclaimed.

"He's already seen." I giggled. "He's been in here for the past, like, five minutes or so." William finished up my eyeliner as I spoke. When I opened my eyes he had a look of confusion plastered onto his face.

"Wait, really?" He spun and warily glanced around the room all paranoid like.

"Yes, really." Azathoth's deep voice rumbled as he suddenly appeared with a big black poof, leisurely chilling in the empty clawfoot tub. He was in his human illusion, most likely for William's sake. Although, he still screamed like a child and practically leapt across the room. 

Azathoth seemed indifferent to William's sudden fright, and casually continued speaking. "I had wanted to make sure that you weren't using any flammable hairspray, but then I decided to stay and watch. And although I'm not actually wearing any socks for you to knock off..." He quickly tapped his large bare foot against the edge of the tub. "I still think you look smoking hot, my darling." He made a clicking noise while winking with a finger gun snap and point.

"What the!? Get the fuck out of here!" William hissed while angrily pointing towards the door. "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!?" 

Azathoth swiftly hopped out of the tub in one elegantly smooth motion, then held his hands up in a defensive manner. "Well in my defense, this isn't a human wedding..." William began aggressively shooing him towards the door as he tried to explain. "We're binding our souls together to complete our infernal matrimony... " He rambled as his large moseying frame was shoved out of the room by William's slender flailing arms. "There's really no need to be superstitious about it." He added while glancing over his shoulder.

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