The Damsel and The Demon

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My misty breath swirled out above my dirty bruised face, like dancing spirits twirling into the twinkling obsidian sky as it then slowly faded away. My heart was frantically beating in my chest, as I laid there, a bedraggled mess, strapped down to the cold stone, awaiting my horrendously violent fate at the hands of a psychotic megalomaniac. Each warm tear that gently trickled down from the corners of my reddened eyes, left a cold wet trail along my skin, and dampened the hair near my temples. 

Even though I had spent the last few hours somewhat mentally preparing myself for this, now that the time had come, a whirlwind of emotions overwhelmed me. I was terrified. I was distraught. I was furious. I was regretful. But surprisingly, most of all, I was lonely. 

I sucked in a shaky breath, as I desperately wished to have someone who cared about me here. Someone to hold my hand and comfort me through my final bleak moments. A hollowing pain constricted my chest as it heaved from all my sobbing and consternation. 

My watery gaze stared wistfully up into the glimmering sea of crystalline starlight. The night sky was framed with a plethora of naked wavering branches and towering white pines. The rustling trees eerily hissed in the blustery howling wind, making it seem as though the forest itself sang pained lamentations for my doomed soul.

In a moment of desperation and borderline insanity, I imagined that each scintillating celestial gem was reaching down and comfortingly kissing my face with their gentle glittering rays. I found an imaginary sense of solace within the company of the stars, and I suddenly didn't feel so alone anymore. I internally smiled, as I envisioned them lovingly assuaging the fear and grief from my forlorn spirit like long lost friends. 

My stargazing trance was unfortunately interrupted, as Father Adelstein began approaching the alter like a pharisaic reaper cloaked in white. His foggy breath swirled around his face as he loomed over me and pulled the hood from his head. Firelight flickered across his shadowy face, which held an incongruous combination of both compassion and bloodlust within his sharp features. 

He slowly pulled a long glossy black dagger from the loose sleeve of his cloak, with a murderous twinkle in his hazel eyes. The gag in my mouth muffled my sudden scream, as I violently thrashed against my tight restraints, causing my skin to burn and my wrists to bleed.

"Shh, don't worry, my dear, not yet." He softy whispered to me as his cold clammy hand gently moved my sapphire gem to the side, causing it to become hidden within my messy sprawled out hair.

My tears began flowing like rivers, as he solemnly used the terrifying dagger to cut away at my jacket, shirt, and bra. The sharp iridescent blade effortlessly sliced through the various materials with soft ripping sounds, until the freezing cold air caressed my completely bare skin. Goosebumps broke out all over my body. I began to shiver and my teeth started to loudly chatter.

"Now, now, don't worry, my dear. We are all godly people here. The sins of the flesh tempt us not." Adelstein sanctimoniously reassured from above me, but his perverted gaze said otherwise. I glared up menacingly at him through my teary eyes. "Now, before we begin, I would like to preform the last rites with you in order to save your otherwise dammed soul... Especially since you've so blatantly copulated in an unholy union." He condescendingly raised a brow at me as he spoke. 

Is this guy seriously concerned about that fact that I've had premarital sex right now?

His slender hand once again forcefully ripped the tape from my mouth, leaving a throbbing sting behind, and he finally pulled that disgusting cloth out. I wheezily coughed from the lack of moister in my poor parched mouth and rasped as I took in a strained breath. 

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