Snake in the Grass

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I laid there under the thick velvety cloak of night until the darkness resigned, and a pale blue glow bled through the windows. A halo of brilliant gold slowly arose over the eastern mountains, as song birds began to sing their morning cadence. My eyes glowed with admiration and lust at the dainty little buttercup curled into my side. I delicately twirled my claws through her soft wavy chestnut locks and purred in delight.      

The dawn had finally arrived, which meant that I could now awaken my precious inamorata from her slumbering trance. My claws retracted and my eyes dimmed, as I began to glide my hands over her soft pale breasts. Her little pink pearls instantly peeked out, rapacious for my touch. I carefully shifted, keeping one of my arms beneath her, and began to tenderly suck on her needy bosom. My free hand slowly trailed down the wintry valley of her stomach, and dipped into the warm crevice between her snow white thighs. I grinned with her tit still in my mouth when I heard her breathing change from calm and even, to heavy and sporadic... My Buttercup was awake.    

"Ash- Oh, oh my, Ashton..." Her fingers wove their way through the hair on my head, as her eyes sleepily began to open.

I lazily looked up into her dazed emerald orbs. "Good morning, Buttercup." Then my head dove right back down as I continued to greedily lay open mouthed kisses and licks on her succulent breasts.  

My fingers rhythmically danced around in her silky pool of arousal, causing a cadence more lovely than that of the morning birds to pour from her luscious lips. She began to tense and tremble beneath me, as her inner walls violently clenched around my hand. Her warm pleasure spilled out with a passionate erotic cry. I removed my fingers, and licked every drop of her sweet juices from them, but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted more.     

I quickly rolled over onto my back, and tugged on her arm. "Come, sit on my face." My voice was deeper than usual and raw with lust.

"Huh?" She was still in a sleepy lust filled daze.

With an impatient growl, I forcefully flipped her around, and pulled her hips up to straddle my face. I inwardly chuckled at her cute little "Oh gosh... oh, I'm really awake now..." ramblings. My hand pressed her body down over the length of my torso, until her face was just inches away from my throbbing erection. I took in the sight of her beautiful glistening pussy, and then crashed my lips onto her nether ones. My tongue ran up her slit, and circled back down to her rosebud. She shivered and breathy moans escaped her mouth.

I sharply sucked in a breath when I felt her soft small hand firmly wrap around the base of my cock. Her sweet lips enveloped the tip in hot silky pleasure, and then glided down the length of it. I growled and I buried my face back into her weeping cunt, feasting like a starving man, as her mouth bobbed over my erection. She moaned, sending blissful vibrations throughout me. My eyes began to glow and my fangs started to poke out. 

My head tilted back in a weak attempt to regain composer. I couldn't risk her seeing any part of my true form... at least not until she was in love with me. She gently cupped my balls, causing my clawed hands to jerk up and grip her butt. Although, I was still careful not to let her feel their pricks. 

I growled again as I smashed my face back against her swollen clit and sucked hard. Her body shook as her exquisite nectar poured into my hungry mouth. I allowed my own climax at the same time, and filled her mouth with my demon seed, which she greedily swallowed. My faltering appearance shifted completely back to the human illusion, as I lapped away the rest of her pleasure. 

She collapsed on top of me, with her breath fanning my glistening dick. I wrapped my arm around one of her thighs, and softly kissed the inside of it. We stayed like that for a moment, until she suddenly gasped and pushed herself up into a seated position, straddling my stomach. Her enrapturing long wavy hair cascaded down her back and swayed to the side, as she turned to look over her shoulder at me, with excitement lighting up her beautiful face.

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