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Thick grey clouds tempestuously swirled across the sky and shadowed the winding campus bike trail. The lack of sunshine did nothing to dull the bright fiery colors of the mid-October foliage. I swiftly passed by the stunning collection of crimsons, ambers, and golds that danced like flickering flames on the swaying branches above me. The crisp cool breeze felt refreshing as it blew against my sweaty body as I huffed and puffed along, with my ponytail bobbing up and down behind me.

I tightly held a thick black leash in my hand that was attached to Belzar, who happily ran beside me. Ashton had insisted that I start taking him along on my jogs for protection, and I gladly obliged. Not only because I'd grown to love the big fluffy puppy, but I doubted that any 'sane' serial killer would approach me with a massive, vicious looking, dog by my side.

Detectives still hadn't caught who ever the barbarous killer was, and the number of heartless victims was now at 18 and continuing to rise. There was also a much higher number of missing person cases that were quickly accumulating too. As I scuttled down the path, it was hard to ignore the endless posters for those missing people. Many were stapled to the rough trunks of towering trees, a grim reminder that this seemingly peaceful valley was plagued by a depraved villain. I tried to avert my gaze, because they were sort of creeping me out, but one in particular suddenly caught my eye. 

I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Belzar to skid to a halt, and stared warily at the picture. The name typed across the poster was James Lodviette. His portrait was solemn and expressionless. Lifeless ocean blue eyes stared back at me, haunting me as if his soul was an eerie vessel crossing over the ghostly foreboding seas of his irises, reaching out and pleading hopelessly for some sort of deliverance.

Memories of Ashton snapping his neck as if it were nothing more than a weak flimsy twig raced through my mind. The way he had grinned with such a malevolent look in his eyes, as if he had relished the kill... I had to go sit down. I wandered over to a nearby mossy stone, and flopped onto it like a limp noodle. I could still hear that awful cracking sound as if it had just happened. And to think that James's family was searching for him, and I knew the horrible truth, yet said nothing. 

I pathetically buried my face in my hands, as if I could hide from my own thoughts. Belzar calmly rested his large head in my lap, almost as if he were comforting me. I looked down at him and began to gently stroke his soft fur with my now trembling hand. He gave my hand a gentle lick and sweetly looked up at me with his big yellow puppydog eyes. 

I can't believe I'm actually dating a psychotic murderer.  

I sat there alone with just my thoughts and Belzar, pondering about whether or not I was completely bananas for developing a relationship with someone as maniacal as Ashton. No matter how much he would terrify me, I still really really liked him, and that terrified me even more. He'd occupied most of my thoughts and time for the past month. I spent most of my nights at his place, and despite swearing off mixed nuts, I was constantly dreaming about being fucked into oblivion by a sexy demonic version of him. It felt like I was becoming possessed by the man... And yet I couldn't get enough. 

He acted almost lovingly towards me and was practically a sex god, but that still didn't erase the fact that he had killed someone in cold blood. Common sense told me, 'Run, run for the hills and never return'.  Yet my heart was saying, 'lol bitch, you know his dick is the bee's knees'... But, Regardless of my incongruous sentiments about him, seeing that poster made me painfully feel the weighted burden of our little secret.  

Belzar's head suddenly lifted and the look in his eyes went from sweet to venomous in an instant. A low threatening growl poured out from his snarling jaws, causing me to nearly jump right out of my skin.

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