A Clash of Carnivorous Creatures

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"AZATHOTH!!" I hysterically screamed like a maniacal madwoman.

Time and space seemed to warp and distort as Azathoth and I plunged down into the thick suffocating endless sea of black. Ashen winds violently whipped through our long hair, making it stream out behind us like the streaking twin tails of a comet. It felt as if we were trapped in some terrifyingly disorienting paradox, suspended in the blackened void, yet at the same time, hurtling to the unseen ground below.

Azathoth slightly tucked and folded his wings behind him, like a hawk diving for it's unsuspecting prey, causing us to rapidly pick up speed as we zoomed head first down through the span of black nihility. The golden glow of his infernal eyes cut through the sea of darkness, illuminating his intensely concentrated countenance. I desperately grasped his hands and forearms, which were wrapped securely around me in a powerful unyielding embrace.

The ghastly shrill screeches and vicious snarls of the undead gargoyle swarm were so loud that they almost overpowered the sound of my own ear-shattering screams. There was really no way to tell just how near they were, since everything was enwreathed in blinding darkness, but their harrowing screams seemed close and came from every direction except down.

Air forcibly whooshed beneath Azathoth's massive spiked wings, as he abruptly spread them wide and swiftly swooped upwards. A poof of black mist swirled out around us, as we broke through the wisping wall of the void and entered the gloomy desolate valley.. alarmingly close the ground.

Holy fucking moly! This madcap demon is going to get us fucking killed!!

His wings powerfully flapped, bringing us higher above the bleak melancholic landscape. The air around us made a swishing noise, as he rotated his wings vertically to get a better view of our pestilential pursuers. Both his and my hair whipped across my face, as we looked back to see their decaying skeletal forms rapidly bursting out through the wall of black fog with puffs of mists swirling out behind them. The others that were still up on top of the precipice began jumping off towards us, like a deranged waterfall of rotten flapping wings and swiping claws cascading down from above.

He straightened us back out, and flew towards the side of the dark rocky cliff face. I screamed as he swiftly turned a corner with aerial elegance and agility, hugging the edge of the jagged stones with his outstretched wings. The gargoyles came crashing around right after us, clawing at the cliff side to turn faster, and causing huge chunks of rock to plummet to the wastelands below. 

The far cliff was now much closer, making it appear more like we were gliding through the forbidding belly of a dark nightmarish canyon than some dismal valley. Enormous spikey stone columns jutted up from the ground like sharp thrawn daggers, adding an ominous and threatening appearance to the landscape. Azathoth began weaving through them, spinning and maneuvering like a skilled acrobat. Loud explosive cracking, and the thunderous crumbling of stone were heard behind us, as some of the gargoyles violently crashed into the columns.


He folded his wings in and speedily dove into a dark jagged tunnel that was carved through one of the larger columns. A cloud of dust puffed up around us from his feet landing on the ashy tunnel floor. As he swiftly sprinted through, he tucked an arm beneath my legs and quickly changed the position he was holding me in to bridal style. My arms frantically latched themselves around his neck, as I fearfully peered over his shoulder to see a foaming at the mouth gargoyle sprinting on all fours right behind us, hot on our trail.

"Azathoth! There's one right behind us!" I screamed, as I watched the undead thing snap it's hungry rotten jaws. 

"Don't worry. I've got it." Without breaking speed, he expeditiously bent down and spun in a full circle on his heel. His large wing whipped out, as he used the sharp spike on it's furthest tip to brutally lop the heinous thing's head right off.

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