Summary: I'll Have to be Their Light

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~ I'll have to be their light ~

Fear: I have not felt fear for a while now.

Matter of fact, I haven't felt much of anything for a while now. The only thing I can feel is the pain.

I think a lot.  It's really the only thing I can do here. The only thing I can do without trouble or consequences.

They tell me that I deserve it. That I deserve to be here locked up in a cellar. Letting them do what they want with me: having me fight man-made monsters, experiment on me...
I can't help but believe them. I deserve to be here... I couldn't even save my own mother.  I couldn't save her... I was the only one who could had saved her, and I couldn't. I failed.  It's has to be my fault for being useless and not saving her.  It's my fault for not having a stupid quirk. It's my fault for being here.

It's all my fault.

They tell me that.  A nagging voice in the back of my mind always whispers that I shouldn't listen to them. That I should stand my ground. But it's only a mere whisper, and how could that one small voice be right when so many voices say the opposite?

So I came to the conclusion: I do deserve it.

So... it's okay when they hurt me and grab me.  It's okay when they experiment on me.  I deserve whatever pain it is that they give.  Because that's what everyone says.

Mom would agree that I deserve this pain.

So that's why I'm not scared when I overheard them talking about throwing me out. Not even with the realization that I had fresh stab wounds.

I'll be fine.  Even though they said it should kill me.

I'll live.

I'll find a way to live. I don't want death, because life is all I have. And I don't want to loose that too.

Now I'm just staring at my blood-soaked door for them to come and get me. My whole life is just a waiting game.

I'm not scared of the real world.

But I know I'm going to live,
I have to,
I know there are others out there like me.
I have to save them.

I have to be the light in their dark that I've always wanted but never deserved.  They told me I didn't deserve to be saved.

But they... they deserve to be saved.

And I'll be damned if I don't help them.

I will be their light.


Dark Subjects
Mentioning of Sexual Assult
Anxiety/Panic attacks
Slight Mature Mentioning
Self Inflicted Harm


!!If any of you guys see something that should need a warning in the chapters, please tell me so I can add it to the top of the chapter!!


Welcome my children, I hope you enjoy this story!

Any fanart?
Instagram: braythemom
Message me on Wattpad if you need my email to send fanart <3

12/19/21 edit
- I am currently editing the story BEFORE the ending arc, I feel like it's too messy and it's bugging me
(one arc left!!!! so excited)

updates will be slower because of school <3

Make sure you all try to drink water, eat food, and sleep for at least six hours. I love you all <3

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