Chapter Three: The One Who Knows

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"Hey Jirou, come with me," Kaminari started off in another direction, waving his arms toward himself as he walked ahead.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?" Jirou jogged after him. "Why didn't you go on the ride with the rest of them?"

"We're stopping by the wave pool so I can grab my sunglasses," they snaked between the beach chairs, arriving to their piles of belongings.

Kaminari dug through his bag, whisking out a pair of electric blue sunglasses. They matched his goofy swim trunks perfectly. He slipped them into his pocket, grabbing the back of his damp tank top that clung to his body, grabbing the collar and slipping it off. His upper body was amazingly toned, and to her surprise, he'd gained an unexpected 8-pack. Jirou darted her eyes away, but couldn't help her eyes from traveling down his defined abs and v-line. Besides being taller, he had definitely grown in muscle mass.

"Okay, let's go to that one ride I mentioned," Kaminari waited for her to take his hand as they stepped over the rest of the lounging chairs. She delicately rested her palm in his, letting him guide her through the sea of people.

"What if we flip over?" Jirou raised an eyebrow.

"I can swim," he chuckled. "Don't worry, I would never drag you down."

His laugh made her feel warm, and with him firmly holding her hand she felt secure, like nothing would hurt her under his protection.

"How did you manage to go down backwards?" Jirou asked as they made it to an opening, letting their hands go as they walked side by side down the concrete. He still wanted to clutch her hand though.

"It's like a toilet bowl shape, and instead of going out the exit, Kirishima and I bumped it, went around again and flew down backwards," Kaminari pointed to a sign they traveled by, showing a list of rules. "The bigger person sits in the back so the weight doesn't ruin the raft as you go down the slide."

"So I have to be the first drenched under the waterfall at the end? Thanks," she said sarcastically.

"Unless you'd like to tumble out without a floaty," Kaminari softly laughed as she shoved him with her arm.

This day was great. He was alone with her. He was alone with Kyoka Jirou. He was smiling. She was smiling. He wanted to see that smile every day. The only reason he'd gotten up so early to get his charger was solely just to see her before she left for her routine jog. He did everything he could just to be close to her.

He loved her that much.

"If we do flip over, I can't guarantee your health and safety," Jirou stated with a smirk, leaning on the railings as they waited in the line.

"Why's that?" Kaminari swirled his finger into a water droplet that fell from the stairs above them.

"Because I'd be the one responsible for your untimely death," her smirk parted into a smile as they both laughed.

Jirou liked to tease him a lot, it amused her, and as long as she was laughing Kaminari was fine with it. Sometimes he'd be a real moron on purpose just to see her happy. It always worked, that's why he'd been doing it for three years.

He remembered their first year. It'd been a small liking, which turned into a subtle crush as the year went on. Second year came, he couldn't stop himself from stuttering around her the beginning of the school year. Third year, first trimester, they were close friends, and she felt comfortable enough to let him in her dorm whenever he wanted.

And now they were here.

Oh, how fate works.

"Please keep all arms and legs inside the floaty at all times," the lifeguard manning the slide mentioned as Jirou sat down first, sighing. "Enjoy your ride," he said, giving them a light push as they slid down the blue and slide.

Light filtered through holes on the top of the tube, making the atmosphere light enough for him to see Jirou ahead of him. Her arms were up, fingertips brushing the sides of the tube as she laughed wholeheartedly. They entered the end of the slide where the bowl was, covered in the golden aura of the sun. The whole ride seemed almost ethereal for him. He woke up out of his trance when the douse of the waterfall blinded his eyes, suddenly the floaty lost balance and he was sent backwards.

"Kaminari-" a voice muffled above the water. "Kaminari," Jirou's voice spoke from somewhere in front of him as he brought himself to the surface. "When I said untimely death I didn't mean it, I swear," Jirou said in a joyful tone.

Kaminari spat out chlorine water, moving the hair from his eyes as Jirou held her side from giggling so much.

"What'd you do? What happened?" Kaminari smiled back at her.

"I hopped off too quickly," she took the floaty and pulled it toward the shallow end to return it. "I didn't think I was that light."

"You're still like you were our first year, short stack," Kaminari put his arms behind his head as he was jabbed in the side of his stomach.

"Okay Mr. 5'8", if you know what's good for you, you'd shut up," she hugged her own arms again, trying to combat a grin from slipping through her demeanor.

"5'9" actually," Kaminari corrected her.

"I said shut up," she jabbed him with a jack, annoyed. Her little, badly hidden grin said otherwise.

Her playful side rarely showed itself, but it was these moments Kaminari thrived for.

"Where do you think everyone else is?" Jirou asked as she gathered her hair in a bunch to drain all the water, droplets traveling down her skin.

"I feel like Kiri and everyone should've been out of the slide already, but who knows where they went to next."

"Wonder what time it is."

"Judging by how crowded the food stands look, I'm guessing noon or something," Kaminari responded looking at all the colorful stands packed with people. "You up for more rides or do you wanna grab something to eat?"

"I guess I could eat something," Jirou replied like she was still thinking.

"Oh thank god you said that, because I am starving," Kaminari sighed a breathe of relief as they went back to the wave pool to gather their things.

A cheerful Yaoyorozu was talking to Hagakure, with Ashido, Kirishima and Sero nearby them. They were headed back toward the wave pool as well. If only Kaminari knew how nosy Ashido could be, and how much of an asshole Sero would become once he found out as well.

Although, a clear answer was never directly given, so Ashido and Sero's assumption would simply remain ambiguous.

Ashido caught sight of her familiar talkative friend, smiling with a certain indigo haired girl. It was normal for them to always be together, heck, she even constantly joked to Kyoka about it. (The teasing died down near the end of their second year though.) But something about the way Jirou looked back at him made her question if her suspicions were true. Although she and Kaminari were friends, he had never openly told Ashido anything about his feelings for Jirou, she doubted he told anyone actually. But if anyone could read people, it would definitely be Ashido.

Despite Jirou's unaffectionate and reserved nature, she was walking side by side next to Kaminari; so close, that they were basically brushing elbows. Kaminari however, was usually a very sentimental person anyway, so for him, it was hard to tell what his genuine feelings were.

Ashido eyed the two as they stopped at their belongings, with Kaminari squinting at a sunscreen bottle and Jirou scolding him shortly after. Ashido had always bugged Jirou about her close relationship with the electric blonde, but maybe she was bugging the wrong person. She observed Kaminari curiously read over the bottle as Jirou dug through her bags, only to turn around to find him drawing a smiley face on his arm with her lavender sunscreen. She retorted with an annoyed facial expression as Kaminari pulled away, refusing to give up the bottle. Swiping her wallet she argued through a restraint grin, the following was just a bunch of playful pushing that Ashido only saw as something she liked to call "couple potential". Ashido gave a light smirk as they walked away, Jirou shoving Kaminari as he laughed about something stupid.

Ashido was gonna have fun with this.

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