Chapter Fifty-Five: Everything's Fine

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Author's Note: So y'know that Kaminari flashback with Jirou? This time we get when she fell for him. Enjoy a fluffy chapter!

The weekend had passed, it was now March 1st. This was their final month in U.A.

"We've considered over your performance during Saturday's practice exam," their Sensei spoke at the front of the class, everyone listening intently. "If that were a real exam, you would've all undoubtedly passed."

Sighs of relief and happiness cascaded throughout the whole classroom.

One person seemed quieter than usual though

"I have full confidence you'll all graduate reviewing your latest grades and scores, everyone is on track," he added, allowing his students to give small cheers and happy, excited claps for themselves.

He let them be loud. He let them be noisy. He let them talk to their hearts content.

Because pretty soon, he wouldn't have their voices in his classroom anymore.

So at least he could take in these memories for now while it lasted.

He smiled softly as he left the front of the classroom and sat at his desk. The rest of the time the students chattered to one another about their practice exam and how amazingly well it went. Most of the conversations he overheard from his students were either bored topics on classwork, or odd things about how far they could throw a mango, but the conversations he heard now were different.

"You were the one who punched that door? Gosh, the indent was worn down so much," A timid Koda turned to talk to Sato, who was bashfully dismissing himself.

"No, it was mostly Asui," Uraraka spoke happily to Iida. "She was the one who paralyzed the ant guy, I only helped Aoyama with the distraction," Uraraka added.

"You don't know how cool you were, I think with a team name like Battalion anyone would be jealous," Sero was facing backwards in his seat, talking with both Todoroki and Tokoyami.

"You are just as important my friend. Without our scouts, we wouldn't have gotten inside. I thank you," he bowed his head at both Sero and Todoroki.

"Hell yea, Scout Team Beta!" Sero reached over and held a fist out to Todoroki.

"Is this a threat?" Todoroki backed away in surprise.

"No man, it's just a fist bump," Sero chuckled as Todoroki slowly brought his hand up to him, sharing an awkward fist bump. The three ended up laughing at the end of it.

Compared to the scared, uncertain kids he knew two years ago, these, were completely different students.

Their 25 minute homeroom period was over and the bell had rung to dismiss them to their next class.

"We're just one more step toward being heroes, it seems so close that it's almost unreal," Jirou said with excitement. Her eyes seemed to glitter today.

"I can't believe I don't remember what happened," Kaminari replied, stepping out of his seat.

"Sato told me you started mumbling toward the end of it before you went brain dead," Jirou let out a small chuckle. "I'm jealous Shouji got to witness that but not me."

Kaminari bit his lip and brought his hand to the back of his head. He always found that kind of embarrassing about himself. It only got worse when he found out he liked her. The desire to prevent himself from "short circuiting" was one of his priorities he'd been working on for a while.

No matter how long he pushed himself it didn't work.

He guessed that was just something he'd have to live with knowing his quirk.

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