Chapter Eighteen: May I Have This Private Dance?

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Author's Note: This is by far the best fluffy chapter in my opinion. The most comedic chapter is coming up too >:3 Enjoy the fluff while it lasts! It only goes downhill after Ch. 20.

Entering the indoors, loud music thumped in their eardrums from the larger gym on the right, toward the left, the smaller gym was filled with students who rather preferred food, games and chatting all night.

"See them, see them, see them?!" Ashido cupped her boyfriend's cheeks and forced to his head to look at the unsuspecting couple ahead of them. The vibration of the music hitting their ears once they stepped inside.

"I see them, I see them," Sero said with a subtle smile. He wore a black dress pants and vest with a blue tie to match Ashido's dress. One thing he loved about Mina was that she was constantly upbeat and full of energy.

"Kyoka never told me she was going with Kaminari," Yaoyorozu spoke with curiosity in her voice, walking with crossed elbows next to Yosetsu Awase, dressed in a black tuxedo with a pale blue under shirt.

"She never told any of us," Uraraka said with bewilderment.

"At this point, I can't tell if they're actually dating or not," Sero held his head confused as the rest of the group chuckled.
Small Gymnasium

"You surprise me every day," Jirou stared at Kaminari with a mixed look of intrigue and disappointment.

It was around 9 PM, the both of them had settled in and even played some games together. The awkward tension left as they felt more comfortable in each other's presence, catching the eyes of their fellow 3-A classmates who had attended the dance.

Kaminari was dipping a piece of cheese stuck onto a wooden stick under the flow of chocolate that continuously streamed from a fountain.

"Kam- don't you dare," Jirou said, as he stared back at her. "You're making that face, you're thinking about eating it," she added with a stern arm fold.

He slowly lifted the stick to his face, never breaking eye contact.

"At this point I know I can't stop you," she facepalmed herself. At that, he stuck the experimental food in his mouth, making differing facial expressions as a response.

"Oh. . .that wasn't as good as I thought it'd taste. . ." Kaminari chewed slowly.

"Because cheese coated in chocolate has never been a thing," Jirou chuckled when he went to grab a napkin to spit it out.

"Well I thought, since they taste good separately that they'd taste good together," he pouted, tossing the napkin into a trash bin nearby.

"You're ridiculous," Jirou shook her head lightly. She took another stick in her fingers, and knowing he liked pineapples, poked a slice onto a new stick, dipping it under the chocolate fountain next. "The fruits are better, try it."

"Oh, wait," Kaminari grabbed a new stick, pinning on a strawberry to coat in melted chocolate.

"A strawberry?" Jirou raised an eyebrow.

"They're your favorites, aren't they?"

"Huh, you know me well," Jirou brought the fruit to his mouth as he did the same for her, only to end up in a fit of laughter as chocolate smeared across their faces.

Hagakure and Oijiro were exploring the food tables, Hagakure in a sparkly sequined dress, and Oijiro in a white tux with a red tie. They both paused when they noticed Jirou and Kaminari laughing together.

"I was sure she wasn't going to come tonight, but come tonight with Kaminari?" Hagakure looked across the room, eager to find out why.

"Really? I thought it was kind of obvious," Oijiro said with a shrug, walking off with his date.

For the night it was, it sure was a great one between the two of them.

Except a perky boy with blond hair and purple eyes would refuse to leave Kaminari alone the consecutive day.

Both taking napkins to wipe their faces, the familiar buzz of the announcement system came on, drawing their curiosity to find out why. Loud speakers went on in the room next door, with an announcement causing most of the students to shuffle toward the big gym. Walking inside, Jirou and Kaminari swam through the crowd of students to watch the music director speak, the blinding party lights slowing to a calmer mood.

'All right ladies and gents, we're closing the night with some special songs. Hope you enjoyed the dance and I'll be excited to see ya in the spring.' The DJ in the center of a rising platform said from a microphone as the intense song currently playing faded to something more soft and subtle.

Pairs seemed to form out of nowhere as lights were directed at the couples in the center of the gym floor. Jirou felt her anxieties grow as a light showered her in fear.

"Jirou-" a voice startled her. "Jirou, are you okay?"

"I-I'm sorry," Jirou fumbled with her words, cupping her face with her hands. "I'm ruining the entire night, aren't I?" she stammered, panic rising in her voice as the lights forced her to be the center of attention.

The attention she didn't like.

Kaminari came to gently cup a hand over hers, pulling them down from her face to be held in warm palms.

"I have an idea," He spoke tenderly. "Do you trust me?"

She blinked a few times, gazing back up at Kaminari with wonder under the dim light of the gymnasium, slow moving dots of color from the smaller, intricate, lights drifting over their eyes.

She hesitated, then replied with a delicate nod.

He took her hand in a firm grip as they travelled through the sea of people, arriving to a corner where wires were being pushed back to the walls to stay discreet and an exit door that lay just beyond them. Uninhabited by any students, the area seemed empty and silent, except for the echo of music around the gym.

"Why. . .why are we here. . ?" Jirou asked, glancing back at all the students still on the main floor of the gym.

"No one's gonna notice us here," he spoke softly as she gripped onto his hands. "The only thing you need to pay attention to, is me," she looked back as they locked eyes.

"I don't know how to dance, stupid," she breathed with soft affection as blush creeped along her cheeks. The little amount of light in the room made it difficult to tell though.

"And you think I can?" Kaminari couldn't help but keep a goofy smile plastered permanently on his mouth.

He felt her grip on his hands tighten.

"Definitely not," she answered his question, the uncertainty she held in her face seemed to leave—as if just touching her caused her worries to flee.

"Then Kyoka Jirou," Kaminari released one of his hands to give a chivalrous bow. "May I have this private dance?"

She pushed her fist against her lips to cover a bashful smile, ". . .You may."

They cupped one another's hands, another spark of energy seeming to jolt through Jirou's palm as soon as she touched him; she hadn't flinched this time. She wasn't scared he'd ever hurt her. She felt safe in his arms.

It felt unbelievable.

It felt unreal.

It felt. . .somehow right.

The beat of the bass, the slow drone of the music, the fading voices as their attention stuck to one another, all of it seeming like an idyllic dream. (If you've noticed the word idyllic often in my fanfics, it's because it's one of my favorite words.)

Participating in a slow dance seemed to contradict the idea of "just friends" now, didn't it?

They'd realize that the next day.

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