Chapter Fifty-Three: Combat Exams

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Author's Note: So the whole combat exam is somehow more cringey to me when I reread it, but if I don't include it, a certain character's story arc wont make sense so I have to keep it. Enjoy though, it's somewhat intense.

It was Friday, February 27th.

Each student had gotten their tests handed back. Kaminari's thick testing packet slid back to him, their practice bubble sheets were neatly tucked under the first page. One by one, everyone had slid out their bubble sheet, filled with 120 questions you needed to fill out in just under an hour. Kaminari hesitated to pull his out, pinching the corner of his paper anxiously. When he finally slipped it out, he had gotten a respective score of 102/120, which made him more relieved than anything.

An 85% percent relaxed his nerves.

That was yesterday.

Today was another story.


"AUGH-" his face slammed into the dirt in a forceful crash, his visor felt uncomfortable as the foot that held his face down smashed him into the ground.

"I gotcha!" Sero's voice whizzed past him from above, and suddenly the weight holding him captive lifted, Kaminari felt like he could breathe again.

"Sero!" Todoroki yelled as he swung the wrapped up culprit toward him, in a second they were frozen onto the rooftop and held immobile.

Shouji came to scoop Kaminari up from the ground, falling back with the rest of the Scouting Team.

"I'm sorry, I should've caught something but I don't know why I couldn't detect anyone," Jirou clutched a hand to the side of her head, one of her jacks plugged into a building, the other into the ground.

"It must be a quirk, I didn't catch anything either," Shouji mused back to her.

"The Battalion Team's waiting on us, we're already off from our original plan, if we don't figure out something soon they'll wonder what's wrong," Hagakure added.

"Well we need Kaminari at that door, but it's definitely not a good time to go out. Someone's quirk is masking any noise they're making, we can't detect them if we can't hear them," Jirou shook her head with a confound expression.

"So instead of catching the ant guy, let's go for the person with the silencing quirk," Kaminari scratched his head and sat himself upright.

"I have an idea," Yaoyorozu suddenly piped up with a determined glaze in her eyes.

It was Saturday, February 28th. This was their practice combat exercise. They'd be thrown into Training Ground Beta, and from there, it would be their choice as to what they did and how they handled the situations thrown at them. There was absolutely no explanation on what they'd be doing or any preparatory speech from Aizawa, the only thing he told them, was "Good luck."

After a sudden appearance, the students realized it quickly escalated from an organized attack to a hostage situation. Each 'villain' was a hired hero specifically chosen to verse these students. However, during their real exam, they'd be put against different heroes. What made it worse was that these were indeed heroes, but none of which they knew very well or what quirks they had.

The class had been split into thirds by their own doing, The Support Team, The Scout Team, and The Battalion Team. The Support Team was in charge of evacuation, recovery, and finally backup and outer watch. The Battalion Team were made up of the brawlers, basically the building stormers.

Inside a grey building were 6 main hostages, as well as the other unknown villains they didn't know about. That was The Scout Team's job. Finding out who they were. Yaoyorozu's brilliance was exceptionally telling in this specific battle however.

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