Chapter Fourteen: Autumn Dance

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It was lunch period now, and Jirou was currently spending her time with Yaoyorozu, with both Ashido and Uraraka eating with them today. The other two girls were at other tables.

"Oh! Guys guys, have I shown you the dress I'll be wearing to next week's Autumn dance?" Ashido excitedly brought up.

"Oh, I forgot about that dance," Jirou bit into her food as Ashido's jaw dropped.

"Seriously? It's like one of biggest events of the year!" Ashido said unbelievably. "Well, probably not as big as the School Festival in the Spring, but still! It's our last year here, aren't you going to enjoy it?"

"I've just never been a fan of dances and stuff, they sound kind of overrated, don't you think?" Jirou replied as Ashido stared offended.

"Oh! I'm going with Deku," Uraraka piped in happily as Ashido and Yaoyorozu exchanged a sly glance, the glance being broken when the brunette spoke again. "I'm guessing you're going with Sero, right? I wanna see the dress!"

"It's such a nice color," Ashido leaned over the table, showing off a satin blue dress with an off-shoulder style, completed with an asymmetrical slit down the front. "Sero and I decided on royal blue and I was honestly impressed at his color choice because it is GORGEOUS," Ashido exclaimed as everyone seemed to fangirl and admire the dress.

"Aren't you going Momo?" Uraraka looked over at Yaoyorozu.

"Yes! I found it as a surprise, but I'm willing to give Awase a chance," Yaoyorozu lightly blushed as Ashido gave a dreamy 'awe~'.

"Awase? Yosetsu Awase from 3-B?" Jirou tilted her head intrigued as her friend nodded.

"He's actually incredibly sweet if you get to know him, I often tutor him for exams," she replied heartily.

"Well that's Momo down, I think we're missing someone though," Ashido said as she put an elbow on the lunch table, propping her head on her hand to stare down the purple-haired girl.

Everyone laid eyes on Jirou, who had been strangely quiet the entire time.

"Me? Oh, I don't know if I'm going," Jirou replied simply.

"You promised you'd go to at least one dance this year Kyoka," Yaoyorozu begged.

"Eeeeh, I don't know," Jirou dragged out he words.

"Just come with one of us! We can all go as a group, like last year," Uraraka suggested.

"No, I'd be third wheeling, and third wheeling is the worst. Even if last year we went as a group, we all eventually split up throughout the night anyway, it wouldn't matter," Jirou said with a solemn expression.

"Oh, I know who she should go with~" Ashido slipped a playful remark through her teeth.

The bell rang before anything else was said though, the conversation of the Autumn dance quickly got buried underneath shifting topics about next period and if there was homework due. Tossing her garbage into a trash bin, she followed the mass of students flooding back toward their classes.

She remembered when she ended up going to the Sakura dance last year; the same place where Kaminari offered to dance with her. They decided to go as a group, which was fine then but– this year, everyone seemed like they had someone else to go with. Part of her envied the other girls because of that, but she couldn't deny it either; she knew every single one of them deserved the world. She highly doubted anyone knew about what happened last year with her besides Kaminari himself, but no one had asked or even mentioned anything about that dance to her so she assumed she'd be safe. Even though she declined his offer, she really did enjoy that night. And speaking of Kaminari– two new voices invaded her thoughts as she walked down the hallways.

"So fucking stupid, he ended up on Next Gen and now Prodigies too? How the fuck does someone so dumb end up on huge magazines like that," a voice said with hatred.

"He can't even control his quirk without his brain going haywire, it's a miracle he even ended up in the preliminaries two years back," another voice scoffed as Jirou glanced back, finding two boys who appeared to be second years.

As popular as the 3rd year students were, they also had their share of enemies; enemies from their very own school. Many students believed they were highly over-praised, and often held jealous views on the attention the upperclassmen received. Not just Class 3A, but all of the 3rd years in the hero courses in general. Much like Next Gen, Prodigies was another large magazine line focused on the same topic, except much more honest and far less biased.

The second years who were talking were people she had definitely seen around, and she especially remembered them last year during the School Festival. They were a part of General Studies, Class 1E, and she realized they had no shame in what they said about students in the Hero Course. Class 1E had planned a dunk-tank, and when Kaminari begged her to go with him, she agreed, begrudgingly.

Those boys, jealousy written over their eyes, as she and Kaminari went up to the booth with curiosity. They hated the two with a passion, she could see it. She hadn't told Kaminari, because telling him would've broken his heart, but hearing them mutter things under their breathe as they left sparked a mutual hatred in her, she was just less vocal about it.

"Someone that stupid shouldn't be allowed in the Hero Course," the first one scowled while reading over his phone. He had brunet hair with bronze horns and freckles, the other had blue wispy hair that fell over his shoulders like water.

"His electricity's only good for a one time hit, I could do better than that," the second read over the article as they both snickered, their laughter ceasing when they were forcefully yanked by the ties and met with two earphone jacks to the face.

"I don't see you in the Hero Course, do I?" Her voice low, laced with aggression that made the underclassmen fall silent.

"You're that one chick from 3A, aren't you?" The tall, brunet boy asked with a coy smile.

"Damn right," Jirou craned her neck forward as she edged freckles against the wall, the blue haired boy took a few steps back submissively. "And if you think Kaminari doesn't deserve to be here, I'd like to see you go through the shit he has," she spat through her teeth, pressing her fist against into his chest as she gripped his tie.

"Huh, you're kinda hot when you're all mad," the brunette smiled down at her, caressing her face with a hand before receiving a painful shock in the ears from her jacks.

"If I fucking hear you talk about him like that again I'll make sure you remember my words next time," she threatened, abrasively pushing him back as she shot a glare at the quieter kid, he shuffled back to avoid the same fate as his friend. As she stormed off, the two kids gawked, bewildered.

"Okay, now I get why he ended up on Next Gen with her," the taller brunet said with wonder and intrigue.

"I don't know, she kinda scares me," the blue-haired boy replied nervously as they turned into their classroom, unaware of the electric blond boy who had overheard nearby.

Author's Note: Two of these chapters are shorter ones so I'll release 4 chapters today.

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