Chapter Forty-Seven: A Christmas Bash

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Joyful laughter filled Jirou's ears as she entered 3B's dormitory. Along the kitchen counter were buckets of KFC, mixed with different foods others had either made or bought. Tsunotori, the exchange student, had questioned why KFC of all the possible Christmas foods. Jirou didn't understand it either, but for the few Japanese people who did celebrate Christmas, KFC was a national holiday meal this season. She wasn't one of them, but she found the clash of culture interesting.

Sato was at the counter, talking with Tsunotori at the moment, blushing bashfully at his green bean casserole.

"I don't really know what Americans eat for Christmas so I looked it up and wanted to try something new." Sato had told her. He wasn't very confident he did it well, but when Jirou saw Tsunotori's face light up after tasting it, she saw Sato's expression match hers with equal warmth.

Much like 3A had grown close, 3B had done the same, embracing one another in persistent encouragement. They were mostly bound together by one factor; the competitive nature to surpass 3A. As their second year hit, 3A hadn't really had a problem with competition in the spotlight, but as much as they were improving, so were the students of 3B. Within a few months of the second school year, they had landed a spot on the magazine line, Prodigies, and remarkably, as an entire class on the front page. They had all been travelling out to a separate training camp when a building began collapsing after an explosion, since they each had their hero licenses, they immediately helped any way they could. And like that, their popularity exploded in articles, news broadcasters, and leaked to the outer reaches of Japan.

Monoma's bragging never died down, not even after the beginning of this year.

Besides the rivalry, no one genuinely despised the other class.

Monoma was a stretch. . .but him and Bakugo butting heads was only a comedic gimmick at this point.

But standing here in the dormitory filled Jirou with holiday cheer. The entire commons room just screamed blithe as several intermingling A and B students clung to one another, singing terribly at a single microphone along to words across a television providing song lyrics.

Yaoyorozu tapped Jirou's shoulder, pointing to an elongated table in the seating area where everyone was singing. In her hands, Jirou held a red, wrapped box, containing something versatile, yet stupid enough for a teenager to love. Jirou had trouble buying a gender neutral gift. If the gift was for a random person, she knew she couldn't buy anything geared toward a specific person or taste. Nothing lame like spoons or socks, actually Sato probably would've loved cooking utensils. But no, she bought a mug that appeared normal, but when you lifted it to take a sip, the words "Fuck You, I'm Tired" were sneakily imprinted onto the bottom. Yaoyorozu and her were laughing in the store for a solid 2 minutes after she had found it.

They set their boxes on the table where a plethora of other boxes were aligned in even rows. An extremely tiny gift the size of a thin, inch-wide square laid next to a hefty looking box. It was wrapped in green paper that was simply folded over twice and taped in the back. Someone took the liberty of drawing a tiny bow on it with marker. She snorted and rolled her eyes, wondering what genius did that.

"Yaomomo!" A voice seemed to call behind the two, shortly being met with a ginger-haired girl.

After their first year working at the same agency to intern at, the two had become friends. Jirou had always been silently jealous of how attractive the ginger was.

"We haven't had the time to hang out as the entire Hero Class in a while, have we?" Itsuka Kendo waved before meeting them at the table.

"Class B's dorms feel so different from ours," Yaoyorozu exclaimed.

"That's because we're the loud ones, they're the weird ones. When were together it's 10 times worse because it gets loud, AND weird," Jirou joked as Kendo chuckled.

"You're not wrong, I'm pretty sure Monoma holds 90% of it though, everyone else just tries to keep him at bay," she was holding a plate in her hands with several sweets piled on top of it.

"There's sweets?!" Yaoyorozu expressed with anguish.

"Oh yeah, follow me," Kendo led them through the sea of students in the commons room, merging with a new sea of people crowded around the kitchen and dinning table, eating food and chatting amongst each other. "Feel free to dig in, we might've over-bought," Kendo admitted.

After a few minutes of settling in, Jirou and Yaoyorozu had blended into the mass of people by the dining tables, discussing how some of the exam questions made their heads spin and others about their exciting new plans for the rest of winter break.

A separate group of students were by the kitchen as Sero walked in to grab a drink.

"What are you guys doing?" Sero asked confused, finding Kojiro Bendo with his arms outstretched to reach the top of the doorway, he looked like he was hanging a tiny, leafy plant over his head.

"Tsunotori mentioned mistletoe and we just had to hang some around the dorms," Tetsutetsu nodded his head. Sero raised an eyebrow.

"What does it do, is it a superstition about good luck?"

"Nah, if two people are under it at the same time, it's tradition to kiss," Tetsutetsu explained, sharing a small high five with the tall, glue container next to him.

"Doesn't that mean you two should kiss?" Sero pulled a sprite from the fridge and looked over at them with curiosity.

They looked at one another as Bendo slowly shuffled out of the kitchen. Sero busted out laughing.

That definitely gave Sero an idea though.

Was it a good idea?

Probably not.

Ashido was sitting on the commons room couch, making questionable facial expressions at the people singing atrociously to the karaoke. She was eating a plate of cookies, neatly designed with snowflakes and swirls of white and blue frosting. She felt a tug on her arm and looked over.

"Help me with something," Sero wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

"Knowing you, that sentence could be double-sided. . ." Ashido said suspiciously, setting her plate down on a side table before he pulled her off up from the couch.

"Just for a sec, it'll be worth it," Sero tugged her through the couches and asked for a simple favor. Sero left her, disappearing into the people once again, leaving her confused.

Nonetheless she agreed without knowing the most of it.

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