Chapter Forty-Nine: Thoughtful Gift

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The gift exchange didn't last long, each Class A student had exchanged a gift with a random Class B student, and from there multiple trades were done. Once a gift was opened, you weren't allowed to trade anymore.

"WHAT THE FUCK," someone had hollered.

"What, what'd you get?" Ashido asked curiously over Bakugo's shoulder.

"WHAT SMARTASS THOUGHT THIS WAS FUNNY?!" Bakugo fumed. Jirou peered over his shoulder, finding he had actually gotten the extremely tiny, green wrapped gift she had seen earlier. In his fingers he pinched a condom in it's wrapped package.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, NO-" Jirou cupped her hands over her mouth in order to keep back her laughter.

The room erupted into laughter and chatter, Bakugo never found out who actually wrapped it since the gifts had all been shuffled between people multiple times, the original owner kept to laughing in secret.

"I'm using this whenever I wanna get Kami up out of bed," Sero had a opened a box that had a mini, party favor, airhorn.

"Please don't," Kaminari rolled his eyes as Sero honked it right in his face, startling the heck out of him.

A majority of the presents were weird, peculiar items. Some of them average, but others turned out to be hilariously dirty and inappropriate, only lifting the mood higher. Someone had gotten a keychain with a dick on it.

Where they got it Jirou didn't even want to know.

She herself had gotten a gift she was actually really curious in playing. A card game named "Cards Against Humanity."

As the afternoon bore into the later hours of the evening the students became less and less lively. Several stayed behind to clean a bit of the mess of cups, cans, plates and food along the floors, but they couldn't stay long. The cerfew would hit soon and they'd need to return before the doors automatically locked.

"Hey, thanks for helping," Kendo waved at Jirou and Yaoyorozu before they left through the dormitory doors.

Stepping outside, the air dipped in temperature and sent a shiver down Jirou's spine. Her breathe escaped her mouth in cold, puffy, whisps in front of her. The lamps lighting the sidewalks of the campus glowed like bright stars even in the muave tinted sky. The snow had stopped falling, but small mounds of it were heaped along the edge of the walkway by shovels.

"To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do with a rubber chicken," Yaoyorozu sighed.

She held a sparkly, silver, gift bag in her hand which held a single, red and yellow, rubber chicken.

"Annoy people with it," Jirou automatically suggested, Yaoyorozu reponded with a snort.

"How about you?"

"I got a card game, we should play with the girls for a night," Jirou answered.

"Maybe another time, I had too much food and I feel like falling into a coma," Yaoyorozu replied, both girls chuckled.

All in all, the night was new, intriguing, and overall great. The girls had returned back to Class A's dormitory, cozy, warm air greeting them as they stepped inside. The halls were illuminated a soft amber, and the whole dormitory was filled with a peaceful, serene aura. Probably due to the fact that everyone was already drained of energy.The two had entered the elevator, quietly talking about the insane shit that'd happened at the party.

Monona being forced to drink a cup of hot sauce after losing a bet.

An insane game of spin the bottle; a game in which Jirou DESPERATELY avoided by hiding in the restroom with Momo.

Stickers somehow mysteriously being stuck onto everyone's shoulders. The culprit was never caught, but they had tagged nearly everyone except for the taller students, which led Jirou to believe they were most likely shorter than average.

Oh, and Mineta being tied to the ceiling fan.

Y'know, the usual.

The elevator came to a crawl as it slowed to Jirou's floor.


"Goodnight," Yaomomo waved tiredly.

"C'ya," Jirou stepped out of the elevator and returned her wave, walking back to her dorm with her ID.

This was one of the rare occasions Jirou actually locked her dorm and needed her ID to open it. She paused at the handle and found a small bag on the floor. She glanced up and down the hall, if Hagakure was around she couldn't see her, but from what Jirou heard, no one on the girl's side was awake except her.

She crouched down on her knees, picking up the mini, red, gift bag. It looked cute, like if a small gift bag had a baby. She turned the bag to look around for a label, but it didn't look like there was a tag at all. She temporarily furrowed her brows together, shrugged, then slid her ID through the scanner as her door opened.

She flung her boots off her feet, shutting the door behind her as she slipped one arm out of her coat at a time, pinching the bag handles between her thumb and pointer finger. Hanging her coat up, she went to plop into her desk seat, curiously double checking over the outside of the gift. After finding no name she figured it might've been on the inside. She peeled off a single piece of tape that held it closed, inside was a tiny triangular object. There was no card included in the inside, just the object. She pulled it out, which revealed a thick guitar pick, uniquely painted with a lightning streak. She turned it over to find a tiny name written on it.


A soft smile grew along her face. She looked over at the slightly smaller, but still quite messy collection of guitar picks she was still sorting back into her display case. She didn't want to use this one, she didn't want his name to fade from the abrasion of her fingers. She clicked her tongue together, thinking, before her gaze stopped on a clear, singular, guitar pick box, given to her by her father.

Author's Note: Aha, now you know that little tiny pick case actually had significance. The item Kami grabbed from his jacket during the villain escape?That was the guitar pick he bought after their time at the arcade. The item Ashido tried to grab off of the nighstand next to Kaminari's hospital bed? Yellow, triangular, lightinging bolt design--that was the same pick he was planning to give to her. Oh yeah. It's all coming together.

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