Chapter Thirty-Five: Good News

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It was now Thursday morning, Reiko shifted her glasses to rest comfortably on her nose before stepping into room 207.

"Alright honey, how are we today?" She asked with a clipboard in hand. 11th day of examination, nothing much had changed besides her unnatural ability to sing and somehow write musical chords despite her not claiming to know where they originated from. From the information her parents provided, they admitted she was skillful with many instruments and also quite the singer.

"I'm alright," Jirou replied as the nurse came to sit down in front of her, performing the small exercises to return after twelve hours, when the supposed quirk cycle should've ended.

"That's all for today, we have breakfast for you shortly," Reiko pushed her glasses to rest on her head after she was finished writing.

"Thank you," Jirou responded as she got up from her seat. "Oh, nurse Reiko, do you know when I'll be discharged from the hospital?"

Reiko turned back surprised. She'd never asked a question about being released from the hospital before.

"Well, I'll have to see with the quirk doctors later on to double check, but I'll see you back in twelve hours to make sure," she answered before exiting the room. Little did she know today would be a celebratory day for everyone.

"Alright Kyoka, how are you sweetie?" Reiko stepped back into the room to find a bored looking girl staring out the window.

"I'm fine, thank you," Jirou responded politely, moving from her bed to greet the nurse at the same table they'd sat at for days on end.

"So, do you recall who I am?" The lady read over her pages, weary eyed from repeating this process for 11 days.

"Hold on, I got this one," Jirou said with a distant look, holding the tip of her fingers to her head. "Reiko right? I'm not good with last names but I think Reiko Chisaka," Jirou shook her head like she must've thought that was wrong.

The nurse looked at her with a subtle smile, writing things onto paper that Jirou couldn't see. That somewhat worried her.

"Do you recall the number of fingers I had you remember?" The brunette asked.

"Three," Jirou held up three fingers, looking at her hands than back a the nurse.

"Do you remember the phrase?"

"Yellow towels sit on the third shelf?" she responded. Now that Jirou thought about it, that phrase sounded completely random. In the next moment she saw nurse Reiko look up at her visibly moved, like she might cry if she hadn't been biting her lip.

"Do you know your parents missed you?" She finally said after her brief pause.

"They did?" Jirou sounded worried. "Can I talk to them at all?"

"Certainly," she mused through her lips. "Everyone's going to be glad you're back Kyoka."

". . .Back?" Jirou looked over confused, but before any more questions were asked her nurse had slipped out the door to notify her parents. Jirou moved her eyes from the door to the things on the table. She took the blue-covered notebook, finding things written in her handwriting. For some reason she'd written down her own name hundreds of times, as well as her friends like Momo and Kaminari. There were countless songs, and written in detail too; down to the time signatures and even the quarter notes, all songs her father had taught her to play on a guitar when she was young.

She had absolutely no clue what was going on, but this miracle was only temporary happiness.

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