Final Author's Note

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Hey! Galactic here. Thank you so much for reading my Kamijiro fanfic,"Finally Found"!

Now you may be thinking, "Galactic, will there be a sequel?" I don't know, judging by the epilogue, will there? ;)

There may also be a companion novel, one based around Momo Yaoyorozu. A companion novel or book isn't a sequel, it's basically a story that takes place within the same universe and same time, but told from the perspective of another person, which some of you may find very interesting when you get to see behind the scenes to the Kamijiro relationship, as well as how Todo and Momo got together. Only a thought though, don't know if I will actually do one.

The next "chapters" after this are just going to be scrapped scenes, short snippets and left over pieces of the story I either never published, deleted or didn't get to use because it just didn't work for the story in general.

Here are some fun facts before I end it here:

~Seromina wasn't originally canon in this storyline, I eventually strung it along when I was already 12 chapters into the book and added the ship in Chapter 4 I think? When I added Seromina I decided to totally reorganize the storyline and make a new plot to include the ship.

~The book was originally 9 chapters long, with the climax at Chapter 8 and most of the plot taking place at Momo's cabin. I ditched that entire plot as well and I'll be using it as the "Scrapped" or "Deleted" chapters portion.

~There were originally 4 other kiss scenes planned before I got rid of them and moved it to the very end. The first was in the Waterpark chapter. The second, Momo's cabin. The third, the hospital chapter when Jirou regains her memory. The 4th, the mistletoe chapter that I ended up changing. In the end, I took a portion of all kiss scenes and recycled some lines into the one I have now. I think it worked out pretty well.

~Along with the kiss scenes, there were initially 3 different plots before this one. Not going to explain them, they are VERY messy and have no coordination whatsoever.

~Kaminari actually dated 5 other girls before he eventually ended up with Jirou, I have a flashback scene I never incorporated and will probably leave in the "Scrapped" section.

~haha, it's a weird headcanon of mine that Jirou likes strawberries and Kaminari likes pineapples.

~So actually, quite a few scenes are personal experiences. The Kaminari memory with Kiri where he actually goes on the toilet bowl ride at the waterpark and flips over is from personal experience, I was the one who got flipped r.i.p.

~The scene at the cabin where Kami pulls Jirou into the water? Yeah, my guy friend body slammed me into that pool and when I tried to get him back he yanked me under as my friends watched me drown lmao

~Sero five-starring Kami? Yes, I got slapped by my friend. HURT LIKE A BITCH, HE DIDN'T HOLD BACK.

~The marshmallow bag scene where Kami holds it above Jirou's head? ANOTHER FRIEND. WOULDN'T GIVE ME. ANY MARSHMALLOWS. :( Also, I'm shorter than average so people like playing all types of short jokes on me. >:(

~If you follow me on Instagram you've probably heard me talk about the "Pink Pineapples on Cyan Swim Trunks" story.

~Oh, and yes, if you find specific scenes in certain chapters, it'll be very obvious. But Kaminari and Jirou are representative of the sun and moon, when they're together it's always either dusk or dawn where the sun and moon can be seen at the same time in one sky. When the scene is set at night, it usually insinuates that Jirou drives the chapter or holds an important plot point, if the sun is mentioned, it means Kaminari controls the chapter. If sunlight falls on Jirou it's representative of his presence on her, and vise versa if moonlight falls on Kaminari. Usually, the sun does most of the work, the only reason we can see the moon at night is because the moon reflects light from the sun to shine. But, whenever the sun travels to the opposite side of the Earth, the moon takes on its job and pulls some of the weight for it. (Aye, see my awesome symbolism? Okay I'll stop with that now-)

~Writing the last chapters on graduation were probably the hardest for me to write, since it's a very personal fear of mine as well. As the story progressed, Kaminari's feelings turned into a projection of my own feelings. I'm currently entering my Senior year in high school, it's actually been really difficult trying to stay happy because I know no matter what, my Senior year is ruined. I will never experience my first Homecoming, my first Homecoming game, my first prom. I will never get to help in the senior prank, or give presentations to the younger 8th graders turning into Freshmen. I think writing has genuinely helped me a bit though, it allowed me to express how I felt in a way. Out of all the years in the world, it had to be 2021 where the entire year got messed up. At least 2020 got to have a Homecoming. This paragraph is getting long so I'll just tell you younger kids this; enjoy your high school years all you can, because when they say it goes by fast, it really does.

Oh, there may be extra written scenes as gags that are canon to this storyline, like cute moments or background character perspectives, they'll probably be added but then moved right after the epilogue so it doesn't get added to the scrapped/deleted chapters portion.

Anyway, if there are any more questions feel free to ask them in some comments! I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you in the next one!


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