Chapter Forty-Eight: Under The Mistletoe

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"Hey Kyo, do you know where the drinks are at?" Someone asked from behind her.

"Um, in the fridge? Where else?" Jirou replied, turning to face Ashido. She was sitting at a table talking with Yaoyorozu, Kendo, and Tokage Setsuna.

"I could show you," the girl with wavy, pine colored hair offered.

"Uhm, nope! I need Kyoka for this one," Ashido suddenly blurted, causing the other 3 at the table to look at one another.

Jirou gave an annoyed sigh and eyeroll before standing to lead her to the kitchen. Before leaving, Ashido gave them an eye wink and ushered a small "I'll explain later."

"Are you scared of Class B or something? They should know their own dorms better than I do Mina," Jirou entered through the short, folded gateway that closed the kitchen off from the eating area, reaching for the refrigerator handle and opening it to reveal packages of soda, juice and water. Someone had snuck in some alcoholic beverages as well, which didn't appear very sneakily hidden at the bottom of the fridge.

"Just not comfortable with them yet," Ashido gave an excuse, it was an utter lie, Ashido was extroverted enough to talk to anyone and make a friendship within the first 5 minutes of them meeting.

Why Sero wanted Jirou in the kitchen, Ashido didn't really know, but seeing as she was already here she grabbed a drink anyway.

"Alright, that's all I needed, thanks babe!" Ashido waved and skipped out of the kitchen, blowing a kiss.

Jirou shook her head with a light eye roll and subtle grin. She glanced down at the fridge and slowly swung open the door, tapping her fingers along the handle as she skimmed through the choices, figuring she'd might as well grab something as well. She ended up going with a fruity gatorade and closed the door. She twisted open the cap before she was forcibly bumped. "Ah, hey-" A few droplets of pinkish-red juice stained her white socks and the floor she stood on.

"Sorry," a voice apologized.

Their eyes both met at the same time.

"Sero's just being an ass for some unknown reason," Kaminari whipped his head back to glare at the friend who'd shoved him.

In the middle of their conversation, a new, perky, bright voice spoke.

"Oh my gosh! Who hung the mistletoe!" Tsunotori smiled ecstatically. She was at the outside the kitchen, grabbing food off the counters when she noticed the leafy plant, hung above the doorway.

"Tetsutetsu and Bendo," Sero answered behind Kaminari with a smirk.

Why does he look like he knows something I don't? Jirou stared at her taller friend suspiciously.

"What the hell is mistletoe?" Jirou asked.

"We hang those plants over doorways during the holidays," Tsunotori replied, pointing above the doorway they stood at.

Jirou and Kaminari both looked up.

"It's a tradition from my country to kiss under the mistletoe," Tsunotori replied, multitasking by grabbing food to fill her plate.

"Tradition to what now?" Jirou felt her heartrate rise.

"You heard the girl," Sero snickered.


Jirou shot daggers into Sero's eyes and mouthed a "FUCK YOU" with silent, seething hatred.

"Oh wow, hey, so I think I just heard Kirishima calling for me. I should go-" Kaminari took a step back before Sero's foot stopped him, he could already feel his face burning up and all he wanted was an excuse out.

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