Chapter Forty-Three: Dwindling Year

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"Oh, you don't know how relieved I am to see you," Sero was greeted with a tight, affectionate hug.

"Me too," Sero sighed, leaning his chin on his girlfriend's head, bringing his fingers through her soft, pink hair.

They were standing in the Musutafu Central Hospital, the closest one to U.A., the same hospital Jirou had been in not that long ago. Sero had just been discharged, since Ashido and Yaoyorozu didn't have many injuries, they were admitted home that night, but Ashido just couldn't stay away from him.

When she saw Sero lift himself back up to that second story window and freeze, she knew something bad was happening, but the only thing she could do was stand and watch. It hurt her knowing that everyone was up there and she wasn't able to help.

"Do you know when Kami or Kyoka will be released?" Ashido asked with worry in her tone.

"I was thinking about asking if I could visit Denks actually, I know I just got discharged and all but I still wanna see if he's okay," Sero admitted.

After all the shit he's gone through, I think he definitely needs it. Sero thought as a small hand came to cradle his. They walked over to the main desk together.

Sitting in his bed was a tired Kaminari. His chest and sides hurt, being a human stress toy for a giant, rubber monster wasn't fun. He had newly formed bruises and minor cuts all along his body, a larger bandaid covered his right cheek. A nurse had come in earlier to clean his various wounds and replace the bandage around his neck. They told him he'd be released that afternoon.

It was Monday morning, everyone was probably at school wondering what the hell happened Sunday night for them to never return to the dorms. He plopped his head back into his pillow, deep in thought.

The sound of a door creaked open.

"Hey dude, you're awake," Sero smiled a big grin, lightly punching Kaminari in the shoulder.

"Haha– ow," Kaminari started off laughing and ended up wincing.

"Oh, right, sorry," Sero sat on the end of his bed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Ashido exhanged some words with the nurse then proceeded to shut the door behind her. She came up to the side of the bed, catching her eyes on something shiny on the table beside her hospitalized friend.

"Hey, what's this?" Ashido walked up to the cute table with a single vase of flowers, a cup of water, and a small triangle shaped object.

"Don't touch it," Kaminari spoke almost defensively.

"Oh, okay," Ashido automatically pulled her hand away. "Um, what is it though?"

"Just. . .something for someone really special," Kaminari laid his head back into his pillow, shutting his eyes with an exhausted sigh.

"What a wild third year, huh?" Sero flopped back on the bed, just beyond Kaminari's feet hidden under the bedsheet.

Kaminari didn't say anything and kept his eyes resting closed.

"Can't believe it's gonna be over in 5 months," Ashido said wistfully.

"Are you ever. . . scared?" Kaminari asked, blinking his eyes open.

"Scared of what?" Sero asked.

"Of the end? Like how our last year in Yuuei's about to end in 5 months," Kaminari asked with uncertainty.

"I'm hyped about it," Ashido pumped her fists excited.

"I don't know, I feel like I'd be proud of myself," Sero folded his fingers over one another as he laid his hands on his stomach. "We spent 3 years at the most prestigious school in the country and survived," Sero chuckled.

"I mean," Kaminari continued. "You think we won't forget about one another? As we part ways?"

"What? Nah, I'd never forget you. And to be honest, I guess I'm kinda nervous too, but it's better knowing that I'm not the only one that feels that way," Sero answered simply. "We'll be heroes fighting bad dudes together."

"Yeah, I'll totally keep in touch," Ashido exclaimed happily.

Although the unknown was still terrifying, knowing he wouldn't be going into it alone comforted him. Lonelineness and losing his friends wasn't his only worry at the moment however. Guilt and self pity plagued his mind like a swarm of rabid bees, and every new thought was an extra sting on his body.
Monday Afternoon

Jirou was the last released from the hospital with minor bone contusions dotting her ribcage, regular bruises around her midsection and obvious irritation from the zipties on her wrists. The doctors mentioned those would all heal on their own with time, and she was excused from vigorous activity to let her body recover.

For the second time, she reentered the dormitory.

None of the students involved were going to school tomorrow, Yaoyorozu, Ashido, and Sero would resume school on Wednesday, but Jiro and Kaminari would both return Friday. They were also both excused from hero training until next Monday. It was nearing the end of fall, which also meant the beginning of winter, and with that, the end of the 2nd Trimester.

Their third year in Yuuei was coming to a close.

Jirou said her hellos to the other students who inhabited the commons area, entering the elevator to return to her dorm shortly after.

The third floor was quiet, she wondered what everyone was doing. Her gaze paused on Kaminari's dorm door.

Jirou's eyes drifted from the floor, then across the silver handle as she delicately brought her fist up to the wood. She felt her heart flutter and her hesitation grow.

Tap tap.

She waited for a reponse but there seemed to be no movement within the room.

"Hello?" She asked quietly, no reply.

She guessed he was either sleeping or not in his dorm at the moment. She brought her hand back down to her side, turning back to her own room.

Both of her thoughts were wrong though.

Kaminari was wide awake on the other side of the dorm, his face buried into his pillow as he suffered through a quiet panic attack, unaware of Jirou's presence.

His third trimester of high school was on it's way, and with that his fears only grew.

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