Deleted Scene: Two Blonds And A Problem

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Kaminari noticed Jirou had never come down for lunch. It saddened him.

It would sooner be the next week, and then after that week the next, and would continue until the school year was up.

He had convinced himself he'd ask her today. He needed to know, he needed her to know, but most importantly, he needed to stop being a fucking coward.

He heard a knock on his dorm and hopped off his bed, jeering back when Aoyama stood at his door.

"A-Aoyama, what are you doing here?" Kaminari clung onto his door handle.

"Mon ami, you haven't read the article?" Aoyama raised an eyebrow.

(I add a similar scene like this at the end of the story instead.)

"What article?" Kaminari asked when he raised a phone screen up to his face.

"So it's confirmed, yes?" Aoyama asked as Kaminari swiped his phone out of hands.

"THIS IS TAKEN TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT!" Kaminari frantically scrolled through the news article from Next Gen. Countless thoughts swarmed his head like mad bees.

Did Jirou already know about this? How long had this been out? How did they take that photo? Who else in the class knew about this? And WHY in the world were they not MADE AWARE OF THIS.

"AHHHH," Kaminari felt panic rising throughout his body like a tea kettle about to blow before Aoyama patted his shoulder, taking his phone back.

"Well you like her, no?" He asked, slipping his phone into his pocket.

"What?!" Kaminari looked at him confused. "Well yeah, but no-" he blurted.

"So then why does this trouble you?" He asked.

"Okay Mr. Twinkle, what exactly do you know?" Kaminari squinted at him, he clutched back onto his handle, seeming to cower behind his door.

"That you like her," he responded simply.

"Okay but HOW," Kaminari stressed his words with nervous suspicion.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Aoyama tilted his head as Kaminari lowered his eyebrows.

"That doesn't prove anything," Kaminari squinted his eyes harder, hoping if he tried hard enough Aoyama would leave his dorm


I never continued on after that sentence and didn't even add a period, I just scrapped it entirely. Still pretty funny though. If you didn't know, I also love Aoyama. Also, I didn't know that there was a difference between gender pronouns for the word blonde. Blond is for a guy, blonde is for a girl, same for brunet and brunette. I was fucking mindblown, I've been spelling blond with the wrong gender pronouns this entire time.

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