Chapter Fifty: Beginning of The End

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"Awe, Winter Break flew by quick," Uraraka exclaimed sadly.

"Too quick," Jirou mimicked the brunette's disappointment.

A few days after the traditional American Christmas party held by Tsunotori, the students all seperated to visit with their families for the rest of the break. Jirou went to see her parents, aunt, uncle and cousins for a family New Years gathering. She had stayed there until she had to return back to the dorms.

Snow was still littered along the ground in white clumps, it was the middle of winter still—which Jirou highly disliked—and although it was partly sunny outside, it was still a chilling -11°C. (12°F)

It was the beginning of their Third Trimester, and everyone knew what that meant.

Tests, tests and more tests.

"Good morning, and welcome back," their Sensei stepped up to the center podium in the front of the class as everyone returned respectful 'good morning's'.

"The last 3 months of your 3rd year are here. Your physical examinations are planned for the end of this January. Your written and combat exams are scheduled for the week of March 15th, and the academic final is the week of March 22nd. We'll be taking a practice written and combat exam at the end of February," Sensei Aizawa explained.

Their homeroom teacher glanced around each of the heroes in the classroom, suddenly feeling an emptiness in his chest when he imagined all their seats uninhabited.

"Make Yuuei. . ." He started a new sentence, and after a brief, hesitant pause, continued. "Make me proud."

"Yes Sensei," they replied in a chorus of voices.

"Sensei?" Someone raised their hand in the air. "When does the School Fesitval take place this year?"

"Before the exams, March 13th," Aizawa responded. "Technically, if you have an idea, I recommend you start planning now."

"Awe yeah! The School Festival is the only thing I look forward to," Sero pulled a triumphant fist to himself. "Hey Iida, what do we have planned this year?"

"An organized conversation hasn't been cordially set," Iida rubbed his chin. "Sensei?"

Mr. Aizawa nodded slowly and proceeded to crawl into his sleeping bag.

"As Class Rep, I'll lead the consensus," Iida waved his arms and went up to the board.

"Oh, I'll help!" Yaoyorozu slid her seat back and trailed behind him, whisking a notebook and pencil in her hands. Ah, Tenya Iida and Momo Yaoyorozu, still the parents of this chaotic classroom.

This had been what the class had done all years. After being outrageously noisy their first year, they didn't want a repeat. They never got a repeat anyway, as a majority of the students matured drastically from 1st to 2nd year.

Last year, they'd planned an entire lazer tag tournament, which pitted class against class for the spot of the lazer tag team champions. Last year's Hero Class, 3B, had won overall.

"SWIMSUIT PAGEANT!" Mineta hollered, slamming his fists on his desk.

Yaoyorozu made an uncomfortable face, looking at Iida. He rubbed his eyes under his glasses tiredly.

"Anyone else?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"How about a cafe where people can eat some sweets?" Uraraka raised her hand.

And from then on, person after person gave their wanted suggestion as Yaoyorozu quickly etched their ideas on the board behind her. Each year the ideas had dwindled due to them not being used the year prior, and instead of 1 idea per student, it was only 5 ideas this year.

1.) Sweets Cafe

2.) Waterballoon War

3.) Noodle Place

4.) Obstacle Course

5.) Glittery Nail Salon

"The food stuff sounds neat! But only one of us here knows how to cook without burning the kitchen down," Kirishima spoke, and with that, it left four choices.

"A nail salon sounds like it's geared toward girls, not a bad idea, but what about the guys?" Shouji added. Aoyama slumped his head in saddened shame when Yaoyorozu crossed that off as well.

"What about. . ." Ashido rubbed her chin. "What about a walk-in movie theater?"

"That sounds promising," Asui mentioned.

"How would that work?" Midoriya questioned.

"Well, we need permission to use the gymnasium again, but we'd have a big projector, and provide food. They can bring blankets and pillows and anything they want to be comfy, and we'll run multiple movies for the whole day so people can go in and out as they please," Ashido explained.

"We can have certain movies and put posters around the school for showing times, like a regular theater," Tokoyami suggested.

And after a landslide for a consensus, the movie idea was their chosen activity for the festival. A moment later the bell rang, and the students shuffled out of the classroom in timed synchrony.
"Kyoka, guess what," Jirou overheard her friend's footsteps as she looked over from her locker. A paper was pulled up to her face, she took it in her own hands.

"What's this?"

"I've been nominated for that yearly beauty pageant," Yaoyorozu smiled cheerfully.

"I didn't know you had to be nominated," Jirou responded when Yaoyorozu took the paper back.

"Me either, but I'm really excited," Yaoyorozu clapped.

Jirou wasn't surprised though. Why wouldn't she be nominated? Tall, pretty, confident, not to mention insanely popular.

"You better win for our class," Jirou joked lightheartedly.

The class of 3A had 3 more months to prepare.

And 3 more months until they left Yuuei.

Author's Note: Alright, if you've seen my Instagram and saw the spoiler, you'll find the next chapter to be incredibly similar to that comic. I warn you, it's sad.

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