Chapter Forty-Six: Claustrophobic Fear

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Winter. What a splendid time of the year.

Snow fluttered onto their noses as they made the 5 minute walk back to their dorms. The class of 3A had just finished their 2nd Trimester exams, and were all terribly exhausted from hours of testing. Some students though, were actually hyper and full of new found energy. Possibly because most of them were excited for their 10 day Winter Break.

"Ow!" Someone yelped as snow crashed into their face. "That felt more like ice dude!"

Kaminari dove behind the dormitory bushes, Sero trailing in hot pursuit before being targeted smack dab in the head.

"You guys are going to get concussions," Ashido giggled before a ball of snow came hurtling toward her as well.

Everyone was dressed in thick winter attire and large, warm, bulky wear. Aoyama slipped past them in a stylish trench coat, avoiding the tossed snow from touching his glorious hair and outfit.

Ashido retorted and bent down to pick up a small clump in her hand before chucking it toward her boyfriend.

"UFF-" The snow crashed into the back of someone else's neck.

"Oh shit-" Ashido muttered to herself when Bakugo turned around with a deathly stare. "Bakugo, don't do something you'll regret-" She took a step back, a nervous smile stretching along her face. "Or something I'll regret. . ."

In a quick movement, he started chasing after her with a bowling ball sized mound in his palms, screaming as she ran away.

Jirou walked into the lawn, not at all surprised to see the chaos unfolding as student after student began to join in.

"It's the best time of the year," Yaoyorozu exclaimed happily, reaching her hand up for ice crystals to flutter onto her gloved fingers.

"I prefer Spring or Fall. Hoodie season is the best season," Jirou mentioned as they entered the dorms. When they stepped inside they were met with a wave of heat and warmth compared to the frigid, outdoor temperatures. Jirou immediately caught eye of someone seeming to wrap a present up in the commons room lounging area, Yaoyorozu seemed to notice as well.

"Is that for Uraraka?" Yaoyorozu pointed to the gift as she and Jirou wandered into the room. The wrapping paper was an even red with little stars and snowmen printed onto it.

"Oh, shoot- her birthday is next week isn't it?" Kirishima scratched his hair, brainstorming ideas in his head for what he could get her.

"So, that isn't for her birthday?" Jirou tilted her head.

"Oh, I thought someone told you guys already, but do you remember Pony Tsunotori?" The red head asked.

"I think. The American exchange student?" Yaoyorozu tapped her chin.

"Well we were talking about our winter break with some of the B kids, and Tsunotori brought up the American tradition of Christmas," Kirishima replied, sticking the roll of scotch tape in his mouth to neatly fold the wrapping paper; although, to be honest, to Jirou his wrapping skills needed work.

"Oh right, she's so fluent in Japanese now that I sometimes forget she's foreign," Jirou added.

"I knoh, roih," Kirishima mumbled through the tape dispenser in his mouth before removing it and finishing his wrapping. "She mentioned something about a little traditional Christmas party down at 3B's dorms."

"'Little'," Jirou held up quotation marks with her fingers.

Both Class 3A and B in one dormitory? A little Christmas bash was an understatement knowing the 3rd years in the Hero Course.

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