Chapter Nine: Suspcions

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It was nearing noon of their Saturday at the cabin, the sun slowly rising only made the weather hotter outdoors. Some people were still eating by the patio or indoors occupying their time with something else. Kaminari didn't feel like being anywhere near Sero, he knew he'd probably be making absurd faces while he ate lunch so he didn't bother eating until he knew Sero was done. Then again, he was probably talking to Mina and wouldn't think about teasing Kaminari, either way, Kaminari didn't want to be mocked. He set his phone on the single wide swing that hung from a willow tree in the fenced off garden, picking up stones by the steep edge to try skipping a few.

"Anyone know where Kaminari went? I don't think he's tried the food yet," Kirishima mentioned from the couch as he ate next to Bakugo.

"I saw him go outside earlier, don't know what he's doing though," Shouji replied, grabbing a plate from the counter.

"Should we get him?" Asui asked from her seat by the kitchen counters.

"I'll look for him," Jirou offered, setting her plate down on a coffee table next to her phone in the living room, slipping out the patio door since she was the closest.

She glanced around the back, the small slope of the hill towards the lake was entirely empty, she travelled down the bench she sat at this morning, finding it empty. Crossing back over the cement patio, she heard a rock plop into the water, followed by another rock hitting the surface with a thud. Trees, shrubs and a cute white fence blocked whoever might've been tossing stones, but she had a good idea of who it might've been. Edging to the right side of the cabin she entered the garden through a white arbor that matched the fence, finding Kaminari by the edge throwing random stones. He flicked another rock.


It fell into the water with an anticlimactic plop.

"Awe dangit," he mused to himself, fiddling with another stone in his palm to try again.

Jirou slipped off her sandals, quietly sneaking over to catch him off guard.

"RAAHHH!" She lightly nudged him by the shoulder as he screamed and whirled around.

"Oh shit-" Jirou realized her mistake when Kaminari lost his footing.

Two loud voices caught Kirishima's attention, who was now standing by the patio, looking for Jirou.

"Oh no you don't, you're coming down with me!" Someone had hollered from beyond the garden shrubbery.

"WAIT WHAT-?!" A higher voice screamed.

"What was that?" Kirishima came to the shoreline, startled to find her as she suddenly surfaced and gasped for air. "Jirou? Did you fall in?"

"NO I DIDN'T, FUCKING KAMIN-" She was abruptly yanked back under the water as Kirishima called out her name a second time.

A few seconds later, both of them surfaced, their clothes now soaked. Kaminari shook his hair out like a wet dog, showing Jirou in droplets.

"OH, I AM SO GOING TO DROWN YOU, THUNDERDOLT," Jirou spoke between panted breathes, laughing as she sent splashes in Kaminari's direction.

"Are they arguing or flirting?" Asui, having finished her food, wandered outside toward Kirishima, gazing at the two intently.

"It looks more like Jirou trying to drown Kaminari," Kirishima tilted his head. "Except it doesn't really look like it's working."

"Count me in!" Sero yelled from behind Kirishima and Asui, flinging his phone onto the patio table as he fled toward the garden, only to come flying down the rocky slope, landing into the lake with a splash.

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