Chapter Sixty-Two: Graduation

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Today was the day.

His dorm hadn't been emptied out yet, but he had started to clean out a bunch of the junk he had laying around. He was standing in his graduation gown, ready to leave the dorms with the rest of the 3rd years of U.A. in just a few minutes. He took his cap in his hands, the fabric was smooth and silky, a golden tassel dangled from the side of it.

His entire desk was devoid of papers now that school was officially over with, the only things left were little decorations and photographs hung along the edge of his mirror. He glanced over all the pictures he'd gathered over the years. He looked so young back then. Thinner body, shorter stature, softer jaw, rounder cheeks.

Had it really been only three years?

There was a photo of himself his parents took right before he left for high school, they'd taken another one each year to watch him grow.

"You know, the only thing that didn't change was your dimples," Kaminari hadn't noticed Jirou when she wandered in, he was lost in thought.

"Really?" He asked as she came to gaze over the photos with him.

"Yeah," she leaned her head on his left arm. "It's one of my favorite things about you."

Kaminari blew air from his nostrils. Jirou stood back straight as Kaminari placed his cap on his head. It kind of felt odd. Three years ago he hadn't ever imagined it would come this fast; or come this crazy. All the memories, all the moments, only seemed to be seconds. He stared at his reflection with a placid smile.

All the anxiety he felt about leaving U.A. seemed to leave, because he knew where ever he went, Jirou would be there with him, and so would everyone else.

A fuzzy sound startled both of them as an announcement delivered across the dorm echoed in the halls.

All 3rd year students may be excused outdoors.

Kaminari and Jirou exchanged a glance, and like instinct, Jirou felt for his hand as they stepped out of his dorm together.

"As the homeroom teacher for 3A and Advisor for all 3rd Year students, I speak with honesty and sincerity when I say I'll miss you all," Sensei Aizawa stood in the center of a raised stage, built into Yuuei's huge outdoor courtyard.

Class 3A, young adults, standing before the stage from below, watching as their Sensei of three years gave the final commending speech for the ceremony. Jirou and Kaminari were lucky enough to have their last names alphabetically next to one another. They locked hands, listening to the quiet voice of Shota Aizawa through the microphone over the yard.

"To my third years in Management," Aizawa looked up to the endless rows of students held in the back. Everyone from 3I to 3K. "We know you'll excel in making Japan thrive, both socially and economically."

"To my third years in Support," the students of 3F to 3H inhabiting the center looked up with shining, intelligent eyes. "Supporting our heroes in the society we live in is an honorable and admirable feat, you are just as important, and heroes in our eyes."

"To my third years in General Education," just behind the Hero Course students, Classes 3C, D, and E, the average disciples of the school, brought their gaze to the stage. "You are not forgotten. We are pleased to know that you have undoubtedly passed through one of the most difficult schools in the entire country."

And in anticipation, their eyes all glittering with wonder, intrigue and inspiration. The students of the Hero Course, 3B and 3A, standing in their specially made graduation cap and gowns. Dark turquoise, with a triangle of white and yellow around the neck. Golden tassels hung from their hats, each of them gazing up at him in admiration and love.

"For my third years in the Hero Department," Aizawa sucked in a breath, and for the first time a while, his eyes didn't feel so dry. "I'm proud," he added after a brief pause, feeling his face grow warm from overwhelming emotions. "I'm so proud of what my students have become."

Jirou's grip on Kaminari's hand grew tight as she clenched her jaw shut, her brows up-tilted, her eyes covered in with a watery film like she might cry.

"You're no longer that group of timid kids I met three years ago," he added as he heard someone from the front release a tearful gasp. Aoyama brought his hand to Ashido's back and pat her, she wept with a hand clasped over her mouth. "And you have grown not just individually, but together as a whole."

Miss Kayama silently took a tissue to her face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Now go become the heroes you all dreamed of being. Go beyond," he exclaimed as he stepped back from the mic.

"Plus Ultra!"

A cascade of cheers echoed around the courtyard as every student, from 3K to 3A, flung their graduation caps high in the air.

For the first time, the class of 3A had seen their stern and stoic homeroom teacher cry. Cry, as he finally let go of his beloved students.

The sun was setting this fine evening, making the sky a vibrant shade of indigo mixed with a blazing yellow. Feet began to move, students roared in excitement and upheaval, teachers came to embrace their students in tear-filled hugs and sorrowful goodbyes. Jirou tossed her cap into the air, feeling a ginger tug on her arm as Kaminari pulled her closer. She released a lighthearted laugh before wrapping her arms around him. The moon seemed to make an early appearance under the soft light of the setting sun, and with a gentle hop from Jirou, they kissed, in the center of all the cheering.

Bliss and relief flooded their bodies like a storm in its passing, and for the moment they had it, they cherished the kiss, like it was the last one they'd have while they were still in U.A.

And that concludes this story.

Does it have to end here? Well, we'll see.

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