Chapter Thirty: Mysterious Stranger

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He felt terrible.

He didn't know why his stupid quirk did that.

If I could just control it like a decent fucking hero, I wouldn't have shit like this happen.

He had chosen to go to the ice cream place after all, (because who doesn't like ice cream in the fall? lmao) with Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima and. . .Sero.

What had happened yesterday was a mistake, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to Sero after that. He wasn't at all angered at Sero, he wasn't even that mad at the snake villain who'd caused this. He was disappointed in himself.


If I did this. . .If I did that. . .If. . .If. . .If. . .

He spent the past week just trying to reimagine what it would've been like if he'd done a certain thing differently. Would he have ended up where he was now? Or would everything still have the same outcome?

"Kaminari," he shooed his thoughts away, looking over at Midoriya when the freckled boy had called his name a third time. "Hey Kaminari, have you been here before?" He asked modestly.

"Oh, uh I guess I haven't," Kaminari replied with little life. His brain was somewhere else at the moment, and even though he agreed to come for the purpose of forgetting, it didn't seem to work.

Because he couldn't just forget her.

All they'd been through, all the memories they'd shared, all the stupid nicknames and sweet moments. He couldn't forget them.

The group of 6 trudged down the sidewalk together, Sero stayed his distance from Kaminari, figuring giving him space would be the best bet until he felt the need to talk. Buildings reflected the partly cloudy skyline, filled with an array of falling autumn leaves. The boys leading the front were Iida and Todoroki, talking about what flavors the store might've had. The other three took up the middle, Kaminari trailed behind, mostly staring off into space. Kaminari didn't seem to be there in the moment, that is until, he was bumped into.

"Oh, sorry," he uttered as an abnormally tall, muscular woman brushed past with a bag, some of the contents spilling out. She wore a large puffy coat and had short, auburn hair. She flinched when they made eye contact, and quickly bent down to pick up what had fallen. Without a word she quickly left, slipping several small cylinders with needles back in her purse.

He blinked a few times, intrigued and followed her figure as she disappeared around a corner.

The building they were headed to was just down the block and to the right, a little brown door with a handmade sign hung over the top, showing it must've been a simple, family-run shop rather than a corporate business. The boys started to count their money, all talking about what they'd get. Sero looked up to find where Kaminari was, seeing as he'd been very silent the entire walk here.

"Kaminari?" He asked doing a double-take, finding Kaminari's faded, blue, jean jacket slip behind a building. Sero glanced as everyone began filing into the store, making a distraught noise before chasing after his friend.

"Kaminari, Kaminari where are you going??" Kaminari heard footsteps behind him and held his hand out to stop him from running.

"Shh," Kaminari shushed between his clenched teeth, not seeming to care that Sero was here. Far down the alleyway they had entered, the woman with auburn hair tapped silently down the jagged pavement.

"Why are you following her?" Sero asked suspiciously. Kaminari didn't answer and continued snaking down the tightly knit buildings to trail after her.

After following her for about 10 minutes, she paused at a door to a warehouse with tall, metal, walls. It had been weathered down and appeared rusted, green, and neglected. She slipped into the building through the door, shutting it behind her as a click echoed around the alleyway. Kaminari came up to the door, hesitating to touch the handle, and when he finally did, he noticed it'd been locked.

"Damnit," he muttered to himself, looking around for another way in.

"Kami, what are we doing here? Why'd you follow her?" Sero asked, Kaminari didn't seem to be paying attention, scouring the rest of the alley to find another door.

"Kaminari," Sero repeated.

Kaminari ignored him, turning the opposite direction.

"Kaminari," Sero's voice seemed to draw quieter as the space between them grew. "I'm sorry," Sero finally added as Kaminari abruptly paused.

There was a brief silence, like neither knew what to do.

"Why did you follow me? Why are you here?" Kaminari asked coldly, keeping a palm on one of the steel walls and his back facing his friend.

"I don't know," Sero replied. "But whatever you're doing is dangerous, and if it is you're not doing it alone."

Kaminari didn't respond, and continued walking forward, sliding his hand off the wall, still searching for another entry inside.

"Kami, we should talk to the Pros, whatever we're walking into isn't good," Sero pleaded before Kaminari travelled farther.

"There isn't enough time," Kaminari turned back, worry and desperation written in his eyes. "She has something, something connected to all this shit, I know it," he spoke with pain seeping into his speech.

Sero glanced around, his eyes travelling higher to a window above the warehouse. He sighed, then quiet uttered a response.

"Alright. I have an idea," Sero seemed to muse.

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