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Sonic... You have to travel across the country and go to my luxury mansion. Inside there is everything for you. All the mansion is all yours. Remember, take a good care of the mansion for me and continue the generation of our family.

>At the Emerald mansion<

Sonic: So... Is this the luxury mansion? Looks old to me.

Servant 1: They are but inside is like heaven. Your father is truly the most rich man I've ever seen. Want me to take you inside master?

Sonic: Uhh... No thanks. I can take it from here.

Servant 2: Here's your luggage master. Oof... It sure heavy than I thought. Would you mind if I take inside?

Sonic: No... I will take it all from here! You can go back home now.

Servant 1: Oh... Thank you master. If you need anything, just call your father. He knows everything about this mansion

Sonic: Thanks! *Take his luggage and walk inside*


Sonic: woah! This place is bigger than the outside. At least father clean up this mess before I came here.

Sonic thought it was his father doing but it's not since his father didn't came back for 10 years.


Sonic: Oooh! That must be the master's bedroom! Better check them out before take a shower!

When Sonic approach the door, he saw the do not disturb sign hanging on the doorknob. Sonic became curious.

Sonic: Hmm... That's weird. Hello? *knock the door* Anybody here? Hmm...

Sonic tries to open the door and it wasn't even locked.

Sonic: Oh... My bad. Well, that bed looks fancy! *jump into the bed* woah! I didn't know this bed was this big!

After checking the room, he went to take a shower. Then, a footsteps can be heard and walk pass the room. Sonic wasn't even pay attention as he walked to the closet.

Sonic: Man! It's so bored even I had this luxury mansion in my hand! It's so quiet... I feel like I've been watched.

>The next day<

The blue hedgehog wake up and heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He noticed something odd.

Sonic: Hmm... That's weird. Some of the kitchen equipment has been moved into different place.

What? How the hell Sonic even know that some of the object has been moved from one place to another?!

Sonic: hmm... Whatever...

Sonic quickly make his sandwiches and he start to hear a moaning sound coming from upstairs. He was shocked.

Sonic: Okay... Not to be skeptical here but, I think I heard a moaning sound. Sounds like a monster try to eat me!!! *run upstairs*

*Facepalm* If you heard something from upstairs, I don't try to go upstairs and stay downstairs for safety.

???: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sonic: hmm? Who's there?! I... I had a knife here! If you didn't come out, I... I call the police?? Or my father! You hear me!

???: Huh???

A shadowy figure was standing in front of Sonic and the blue hedgehog paralyzed. He was frozen and his fear are filled his whole body.

Sonic: ah... W-Who the hell are you?!

???: Oh... A hedgehog. You're the owner of this mansion?

Sonic: Y-Y-Yeah... Who are you?!! Stranger?!

???: Don't be afraid... I come on peace. You see, many bad things happen to me so, can I stay?

Sonic: Uhh... Sure. There's a lot of room in this mansion. You can pick one.

???: Ah... Thank you so much.

The black figure gone in a dust and Sonic just standing there. His eyes filled with fear plus curiosity.

Sonic: Uhh... I'm not skeptical but... Is that a person or a ghost?!!!

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