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On the next day, Sonic woke up, ( I did this many times *sigh*) he found himself sleeping on Shadow. He blush a bit when he saw a handsome vampire hedgehog staring at him directly at his eyes and smile.

Shadow: Morning Sonic~ *pet Sonic's ears*

Sonic: How did I end up sleeping on your body?

Shadow: I pick you up and let you sleep above me. Romantic isn't it?

Sonic: *blush* Y-Yeah.

Suddenly, Sonic's stomach growling and make the moment more awkwardly. Sonic quickly gets up.

Sonic: Ah! Sorry... I'm so hungry. I didn't eat last night.

Shadow: Well, you wait here and let me cook for you.

Sonic: *nods*

Shadow get up and walk to the kitchen. He saw Scourge with Silver talking each other.

Scourge: Hey, master. You wake up so early. Is it because of Sonic?

Shadow: You don't need to talk about him.

Silver: Everyone knows that you try to make Sonic fall in love with you.

Shadow: So? You guys jealous because of that?

Scourge: Nah... Not a bit. It kinda reminds me about your girlfriend who died. You want to replace her?

Shadow: I didn't say that I want to replace her with Sonic. If only you understand how I feel right now.

Scourge: Ohhh... We understand. Let's get out from here Silver. We have something to do.

Silver: Okay

Silver and Scourge walk out and Shadow just finished make Sonic breakfast. (The part where Shadow talking with them is where he busy himself by cooking)

He walk back to the room with the food. Sonic help him out.

Sonic: The food smells delicious. You know how to cook.

Shadow: Maria teach me how to cook well.

Sonic: Oh... Amy teach me too but I never as good as you.

Shadow: Then let me teach you and next time you will cook for me.

Sonic: No... *chuckled*


Sonic was bored to stay in the room so he decided to walk down the hallway and he found himself meet with Scourge alone.

Scourge: Oh, Sonic. Good timing. I have something to tell you.

Sonic: Hope it's not about something pervert.

Scourge: Do you really love Shadow?

Sonic: Of course... Why you suddenly asked?

Scourge: Well, he love you because he wants to replace his girlfriend.

Sonic: No! That's not true! He didn't love me because of that! He wants to take care of me!!

Scourge: You think so? Think again... Why Shadow love you in a sudden, after his girlfriend died? There's no way he could love someone else again because he's afraid that you will have the same fate as his girlfriend.

Sonic: Why you suddenly talk about this?! You try to convinced me that Shadow playing tricks with me?!

Scourge: *shrugs* Hmm... Why don't you be honest to him?

Sonic: tch... You just jealous!! I'm outta here! *walk away*

Scourge: Oh, Sonic. You don't understand what I'm talking about. Hope you be happy with him until the end.

Sonic walk back into the room and saw Shadow looking at his clothes.

Sonic: Shadow... We need to talk.

Shadow: *looks*

Sonic: You really want to replace me with your girlfriend so I could have the same fate as her right?

Shadow: No, Sonic. Who told you that?

Sonic: Scourge... He said that.

Shadow: *sigh* Don't listen to him. He just jealous.

Sonic: That's what I say to him! I guess...

Shadow: What? You don't want to love me?

Sonic: I want to but, those vampires mocking us!

Shadow: Hmm... They're gay too so I'm not alone.

Sonic: Well, they are but I'm not calling myself gay in a first place. But since I fall in love with you, I never think that I be gay in a sudden... *rub his quills*

Shadow: For now, you don't care about them and always stick up with me if they try to take you down.

Sonic: *nods*

>In Mephiles room<

Mephiles: I'm bored...

Scourge: Hey, why don't we take Sonic and do something to him for fun?

Mephiles: Shadow always guarding him and it's not easy to abducted Sonic.

Scourge: We're not going to abducted him!!

Mephiles: Well, I guess it's time for us to use our power to lure that blue hedgehog to us.

Scourge: You're not saying that we lured him out to the garden again and do the same thing we do before.

Mephiles: No... I have a better idea. Wait for my mark and listen to what I say to you.

Scourge: *sigh* Sure...

Meanwhile, outside the room, Silver heard them talking and he quickly to master's room where, Shadow pinned Sonic down on the bed.

Silver: (Shit... I appeared in a wrong time)

Shadow: Uhh... What you're doing here?

Silver: Sorry master. I didn't mean to but I have to talk to Sonic.

Shadow: How about next day because we're about to sleep! *close the door*

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: Don't worry, he's okay.

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