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Sonic walk to the guest room where the person is and walk in just to check on him.

Sonic: Hey, Uhh... I just want to check on you. You okay? It seems like you're hurt.

???: Oh, how kind of you. I was hurt a bit and I would likely to have some tasty blood.

Sonic: Sure no prob- wait... Did you say blood?

???: Ahaha... How funny. I mean tomato. It was on the fridge. If you see a packet full of tomato sauce, that's the tomato I want.

Sonic: Okay... I saw that packet last night so, I can grab it for ya.

Sonic ran down the stairs and grab the tomato sauce packet??? He didn't know that the sauce was a real blood. He quickly get it to the person.

???: Oh, Thanks. Good... Now I can have a little treat. Would you mind to go out while I enjoy this moment?

Sonic: Sure, sir! You can stay here for the night.

???: Oh, I would love to but I won't stay for the night. I have something to do and it was a late night work.

Sonic: Oh.. I understand. You can get some rest now.

???: Thank you...

As Sonic head out, he noticed that person didn't have a shadow and no reflection on the mirror behind him. He stopped for a moment to think about that.

Sonic: Okay... That person must be totally exhausted until his shadow are gone and he don't have a reflection on the mirror.

As the night comes, Sonic walk into the guest room to see if the person was there.

Sonic: *knock the door* Uhh... Hey. I just want to check on you before you leave. You mind if I come in?

???: N-No... I'm on my way now. You don't need to check on me.

Sonic: Oh, well. You're my guest. That why I want to check on you.

The person didn't respond and the silent break into the atmosphere. Sonic was curious so he just come in. It's too dark inside so he turn on the lights and he's being attacked.

Sonic: Aaahhh!! What the hell?!

???: Oh, Oh... Sorry. I didn't mean to attack you...

Sonic: Ha... Well, it's my fault that I walk in without your permission.

As Sonic become closer to the person, it reveals himself as a yellow fox with two tails. He was surprised.

Sonic: Woah! What's your name?

Tails: I'm Tails... Miles Tails Prower. Just call me Tails.

Sonic: Well, Tails. I can see you very clearly right now.

Tails: Well, it's because you getting closer to me.

Sonic: You get some full rest?

Tails: Yes! Thanks for letting me stay for a while.

Tails get up and help Sonic to get up too. Sonic realize that Tails was small than him.

Sonic: You look small!!

Tails: I'm what?!!


Sonic: So, you're leaving by now?

Tails: Yes!

Sonic: Okay. Take care!

Tails walk out into the dark as Sonic waved goodbye to him. As he walk in, another footsteps could be heard but this time there are more than one person.

He head upstairs and saw a trail of blood. He follow the trail until he end up on his room, which is the master's room.

Sonic scared to open the door but the door was opened by itself and another tall dark figure standing in front of him.

Sonic: Tails?!

???: What? I'm not Tails. Wait, how did you know Tails?

Sonic: You must be his friend! I'm Sonic and this is my room and my father's mansion.

???: I see... So you're staying for how long?

Sonic: Just now!

???: Okay... Hold my hand.

Sonic: hmm???

The shadow hold his hand tight and Sonic feel a cold sensation.

???: I'm sorry... *shout* Hey!! Over here!!!

As the person shout, more shadow figure appears around him and make Sonic scared, froze to fear.

Sonic: Wha?! Who are you guys?! What you guys doing in my mansion?!

???: You will know after we explain this to you.

Sonic: Huh?!

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