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>In a bedroom<

Sonic has been tied up into the bed with a rope on his both wrist and legs. The shadow figure surrounding him with red eyes.

Sonic: Okay... I don't know who you are but please, just leave me! I don't know about all of this!!!

???: Calm down! We just want to give you a question and you answer all of them.

???: For now, we better wait for Tails to come back home.

Sonic: Huh?! Home?! You mean this mansion?!

???: You don't know that we live here? Your father know about this?

Sonic: My father?! How do you know that this mansion was my fathers treasure? He give me this mansion to continue the generation!!

???: I see... So you're the Maurice's son.

Sonic: What?!! Maurice is my name!! Jules is my father's name!!

???: Ohhh... So that's what he muttered about this Maurice thing. Maurice was his name.

Sonic: My name is Sonic the hedgehog and Ogilvie Maurice is my real name! Well, I changed it because I feel awkward...

???: Well, Maurice, we would like to introduce ourselves. It's time for us to show ourselves.

???: Wait, now?

???: We've been keep this secret for a years because of his father didn't want to make his son scared of ghost.

???: Okay... What if he freaked out?

???: We already tied him. What can go wrong?

Knuckles: My name is Knuckles the echidna. This is Espio the chameleon, Silver the hedgehog, Scourge the hedgehog, Mephiles the dark and our master Shadow the hedgehog.

Sonic: Okay, what are you guys? Some kind of gangster or something? You guys wear black jacket! You guys want to steal my father's mansion!!!

Knuckles: Woah, take it easy. We protect your mansion after your father leave this mansion. At first, he wants to sell this mansion but he unwilling to sell it.

Sonic: So, all of you are my father's friends?

Knuckles: Well, sort of but our master is the real friend of your father. They seems so close. Every night he will visit your father.

Sonic: Your master? I would like to meet with him!!

Silver: I'm afraid that our master might harm you. He's not in a good mood for today.

Sonic: Oh, come on!

Knuckles: We should wait for Tails before we start our meeting with master.

Espio: So, what about this kid?

Knuckles: We should wait for master's orders.

>Later, midnight<

Sonic still being tied up on the bed. He fell asleep that time. The doors open and a shadow figure came in. It walk towards Sonic.

???: Hey...

Sonic: *mumble* No... No... Uhhh...

???: Hey... Wake up.

Sonic: hmmm...

???: *sigh and bite Sonic's arm*

Sonic: Aaahhhh!!!!

???: *quickly shut Sonic's mouth* Ssshhhh...

Sonic: Ha! What?! Who are you?!

???: Don't be afraid... Sorry, that I bite you. You didn't awake so I have to bite you.

Sonic: Oh, come on! You know that's hurt!

???: You know who I am?

Sonic: Umm... Knuckles?

???: *laugh* No... I give you a clue. I'm the master of my clan.

Sonic: Shadow the hedgehog?!

Shadow: *chuckled*

Sonic: What you're doing here?

Shadow: I wanna check on you. Me and my friends have finished our meeting and they want me to see you.

Sonic: Okay...

Shadow: We decided to keep you here with us and we will protect you.

Sonic: Protect me? Haha... I can protect myself. I don't need your help.

Shadow: Oh... You think so? Your father didn't tell you about the blood-sucking creature?

Sonic: Blood-sucking... You mean vampire bat? Yeah, they look harmless. They just sucked animals blood.

Shadow: Well, if you don't believe us. We can show you.

Sonic: Show...?

Shadow show his vampire fang and Sonic's face trembling in terror.

Sonic: ahaha... Tell me that fang isn't real right?

Shadow: *smirk* Want me to bite you again?

Sonic: Aaahhh!!! No! Okay! I believe! I believe!

Shadow: Good... You should take some rest.

Sonic: Uhh... Untied me first and this is not my room. My room was at Master's bedroom...

Shadow: Oh, you mean MY bedroom??

Sonic: Uhh... That's your bedroom?? S-Sorry...

Shadow: It's okay... You can sleep with me for tonight.

Sonic: B-But, we're just met!

Shadow: It's okay... I won't bite you. *untied the rope and take Sonic to his bedroom*

Sonic: *whispering* This is embarrassing...

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