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Shadow: Sonic... Sonic wake up. The sun is already up. We need to go.

Sonic: Hmm? But I still tired.

Shadow: I can't piggyback you while walking through the sun. I'm a vampire remember?

Sonic: *growl* Fine... *gets up and lay his back to Shadow's back*

Shadow: S-Sonic!! I said I can't piggyback you!!!


Shadow turned into a small bat and hide inside Sonic's bag filled with blood pack. Sonic walk so slowly and Shadow demand him to walk faster.

Sonic: Oh come on! I still feel tired...

Shadow: You didn't feel hot in here?! We get back home quickly and you can continue sleeping.

Sonic: *sigh and run back home*

Shadow: Sonic!! What's going on?!! Why I feel like we're walking faster?!

Sonic: I'm not walking Shadow. I'm running.

Finally, they arrived at the mansion safely. Shadow put the blood pack on the fridge while Sonic continue to sleep.

Tails walk into the kitchen and saw Shadow. He so excited to show his report to him.

Tails: M-Master!! I finally finished the report!! Also, there's a shocking news.

Shadow: Let me see... *read the report*

The report says that the vampire twins are making havoc at the town nearby the mansion. Shadow growled at it as he read the report.

Shadow: Tails, we need to get ready. If the twins know that we're here, we need to protect Sonic first.

Tails: Yes master!!

Shadow: Tell all the vampires, tonight, we will have a meeting and we will organized our plan for the twins.

Tails: Yes!!!

After his work finished, he walked to his room and saw the blue hedgehog sleep peacefully.

Shadow: Sonic...

Sonic: What? Don't you see I'm sleeping?

Shadow: I have something to tell you. Tonight, we will have a meeting.

Sonic: Okay... *snore*

Shadow: Ugh...

That night, all vampires gathered together at the main hall.

Shadow: Okay, we all here because of this news. The twins are making havoc at the town nearby our mansion. We have to get ready for any attack.

Silver: But, what about Sonic? He's defenseless.

Shadow: We will make a plan and a trap around the mansion. So we know that the twins are here.

Sonic: Umm... Who's those twins?

Tails: Remember that we tell you the story about the other bad vampires?

Sonic: Oh... Yeah. So, this twins are pure evil?

Knuckles: Not just pure evil but a brutal one. They've killed many people more than one. It was called as the mass murder.

Sonic: Maybe they're the one who kill my family. Including father...

Shadow: We need to gathered our strength. It's been so long that we hide inside this mansion. It's time to fight.

Scourge: I agree with that since we locked ourselves in this prison! But not bad...

Silver: So uh... We got to fight as usual now? I still remember where I snap the vampires neck until its head decapitated.

Scourge: *laugh* Yeah! You should see that helpless face when you try to kill them!!

Mephiles: Well it's good to see this kids happy now.

Shadow: If you all agree this, we will start the war.

Sonic: Wait, you mean now?!

Shadow: Not really but we need to get ready for any harm that come to us. Well, that's all for the meeting.


Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: Hmm?

Sonic: I didn't said that I'm not ready but, should I fight too? Since I'm immune to vampires bite?

Shadow: Sonic... That immune can't stay in your body forever. You will dead if they bite you many times.

Sonic: But, I've been bitten by you and Tails and Silver! What can go wrong?

Shadow: I'm afraid that you might die because the immune will not protect you that long. Anyway, just stay with me. No matter where I go, you must follow me.

Sonic: Okay...

Shadow: *hug Sonic* You will never have the same fate as Maria or Amy.

Sonic: *nods*


Silver: *open the door* Sorry to disturb you but, can Sonic sleep with me for tonight?

Sonic: What's wrong?

Silver: I have something for you. It's a gift.

Sonic: *look at Shadow* Shad?

Shadow: You may go. As long as you safe and not get bitten by him.

Silver: It's okay. I will not bite him for tonight.

Sonic: Okay...

>At Silver's room<

Silver: Your father once told me that I'm the youngest among the vampires who lived here.

Sonic: I thought Tails was the youngest...

Silver: Ahaha... I'm the second youngest. Your father was so nice and he gave me this amulet.

Sonic: Hey, I've seen that before. It was an amulet where father said he got it from an unknown merchant.

Silver: Yeah, pretty crazy isn't it? Or maybe he got this from the black market.

Sonic: No way. But what's the point for you to give me that useless amulet?

Silver: I generate it with my power. So, use this when you're really in great danger.

Sonic: Okay. Thanks. I really believe what you're saying. *wear the amulet* *sigh*

Silver: What's wrong?

Sonic: I... I still miss my father. If only he was here, I-

Silver: *hug Sonic* Don't worry blue boy. Your father will always within you.

Sonic: *looks* Thanks Silver. So uh... Shall we go to sleep?

Silver: *pick Sonic up and snuggle with him on the bed* Good night.

Sonic: *chuckled* Good night

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