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After Shadow heard Sonic's calling, he immediately appears in front of the 3 vampires with his glowing red eyes.

Silver: Shadow?!

Mephiles: Tch *call back his tentacle demons*

Sonic: *fall to the ground*

Shadow: I know that this gonna happen.

Scourge: Then why don't you came here in the first place! We're just about having fun!!

Shadow: Fun time is over! Now, get inside before I kill 3 of you!!

Mephiles, Scourge and Silver disappear in dust and Shadow slowly walk to Sonic.

Shadow: You okay?

Sonic: Don't come near me!!

Shadow: Then why you call my name?!

Sonic: Tch...

Shadow: You better go inside before they come back and kill you next *walk away from Sonic*

Sonic: (I knew it. He didn't even help me to get up after he saved me from those 3 vampires)

>The next day<

Tails: *walk in the master's room* Sonic, what's wrong?

Sonic: Nothing Tails *cough*

Tails: Oh god. You're sick?! Shadow didn't give you medicine that he got from your father?

Sonic: How you know that the medicine coming from my father?

Tails: I saw Shadow walk out that time. Let me take my medicine from my room.

Sonic: No, I'm fine *cough* See...

Tails: I will come back *walk out and walk into his room, saw Shadow* M-Master?!

Shadow: *surprised and teleport away*

Tails: What did master do?!

>At master's bedroom<

Sonic: *cough*

Shadow: Sonic... Here, I got new medicine for you.

Sonic: Shadow... Leave me alone! *cough*

Shadow: No! I wanna save you *walk to Sonic*

Sonic: Don't get near me! *cough* I can't stop coughing.

Shadow: *hold Sonic* Here...

Sonic: tch... *eat the medicine*

Shadow: *give Sonic drink water* You feel better?

Sonic: *drink the water and look away*

Shadow: I guess that's a yes *gets up and walk away*

Sonic: (Damn... I really don't want to eat that medicine! Ugh... I have to talk to father that I will leave this place.)

>At the living room<

Sonic make a call to his father. He waited for respond and he got through.

Jules: Oh, hey Sonic. How's going?

Sonic: Father, I wanna leave tomorrow. I decided to not live here anymore even it was a gift from you. I'm so sorry.

Jules: Ah, don't mention it. Besides that, I need to tell you something.

Sonic: I'm all ears father...

Jules: Remember the 6 vampires that live in the mansion? I need you to take care of them, especially Shadow.

Sonic: But, they try to kill me!! There are 3 vampires who wants to kill me!!!

Jules: Sonic, you must know that not all vampires are nice. I know you hate them and that's why I give you the immune system to defend yourself from those vampires.

Sonic: Father, please... I need to leave. I hate them...

Jules: *sigh* Son, You don't need to leave. You just need to stay strong. My time is short to live right now.

Sonic: Father, don't tell me that-

Jules: Remember, be strong. Life can be hard sometimes.

Sonic: *sigh* I understand father.

Sonic end the call and suddenly the phone ringing as he about to leave. He picked it up.

Sonic: Hello...?

Amy: Hi, Sonic! How's it going on your new home?

Sonic: Ah! Amy! I'm glad that you call me. I'm not very good right now.

Amy: Aww... That's bad. Listen, can you send me your father's mansion address? I wanna visit you.

Sonic: Umm... Well, about that. I'm not sure I can let you visit me.

Amy: Why not? You're my lover boy, right? Is there something wrong?

Sonic: Nevermind, you can come but remember, come tomorrow in the morning.

Amy: Sure! I'll pack some of my bags and I will stay there for 2 days.

Sonic: Wait, what?! 2 days?!

Amy: mhmm... Yeah. 2 days!! It's sure fun right?!

Sonic: Yeah... Haha. Well, see you tomorrow.

Amy: Okay.

Sonic end the call and he frustrated. He get up and walk to master's room. He saw Shadow sleep on the bed.

Sonic: *sigh*

Shadow: *ears twitch and wakes up* Sonic...?

Sonic: (Oh god! He has such a good hearing)

Shadow: Come here...

Sonic: *sigh and walk to Shadow, sit besides him*

Shadow: I'm sorry for what I did... It's all my fault. Will you forgive me?

Sonic: (Now what, I don't know if I'm going to forgive him or not) Ummm... I don't know...

Shadow: I understand...

Sonic: (He can read my mind right? Let me try to think something)

Shadow: *looks* Sonic...

Sonic: (Shadow, I really hate you right now. I shouldn't believe about what you said. Wish, I don't heard that word)

Shadow: *sigh* I see... You really thought that I said the word I love you, isn't it?

Sonic: (Stupid!)

Shadow: *pinned Sonic down on the bed*

Sonic: What the fuck are you doing?!

Shadow: I think we have a long talk between you...and me...

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